Saturday, August 31, 2019
History, The Bourgeoisie, The Proletariat, and Communism Essay
Karl Marx begins the first chapter of his The Communist Manifesto with the opening line: â€Å"The history of all hitherto existing societies is the history of class struggles†(ch. 1). Underlying all of history is this fundamental economic theme, that each society has its own economic structure which breeds different classesâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬Å"a manifold gradation of social rank,†he calls it (ch. 1). These classes inevitably becomes in conflict with each otherâ€â€that because of their economic structure, some class becomes the oppressors while others become the oppressed. He argued that the oppressors and oppressed â€Å"stood in constant opposition to one another†¦ on an uninterrupted†¦ fight†¦ that each time ended, either in a revolutionary re-constitution of society at large, or in the common ruin of the contending classes†(ch. 1). He described his time as a struggle between two classes: the Bourgeoisie and the Ploretariat. Marx claims that the modern bourgeois society of his time has not helped to remove, although have simplified, clash antagonisms, but had, instead, â€Å"established new classes, new conditions of oppression, [and] new forms of struggle in place of the old ones†(ch. 1). He saw the bourgeoisie as a â€Å"product of a long course of development, of a series of revolutions in the modes of production and of exchange,†and that each step of its development â€Å"was accompanied by a corresponding political advance†(ch. 1). He claims that the â€Å"executive of the modern State is but a committee for managing the common affairs of the whole bourgeoisie,†that it â€Å"cannot exist without constantly revolutionising the instruments of production, and thereby the relations of production, and with them the whole relations of society†(ch. 1). He said that it has torn the â€Å"feudal ties that bound men to his ‘natural superiors,’ and has left no other nexus between man and man than naked self-interest†(ch. 1). He goes on to explain that the bourgeoisie draws all nation into civilization with all the rapid improvements of production and by the immensely facilitated means of communication. However, he claims that they create â€Å"a world after its own image,†that is, for all nations to adopt the bourgeois mode of production. The bougeiosie, according to Marx, has â€Å"created enormous cities, has greatly increased the urban population as compared with the rural, and has thus rescued a considerable part of the population from the idiocy of rural life†but that it has also â€Å"concentrated property in a few hands†(ch. 1). He argued that â€Å"for many a decade past the history of industry and commerce is but the history of the revolt of modern productive forces against modern conditions of production, against the property relations that are the conditions for the existence of the bourgeoisie and of its rule†(ch. 1). At the end, he states that â€Å"its existence is no longer compatible with society†and is unfit to be the ruling class of society since â€Å"it is incompetent to assure an existence to its slave within his slavery†(ch. 1). The proletarians, on the other hand, are, during Marx’s time, the modern working classâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬Å"a class of labourers, who live only so long as they find work, and who find work only so long as their labour increases capital†(Marx ch. 1). Marx claims that the proletarians lost its individual character and charm because of the extensive use of machinery and of the division of labour. They have become an â€Å"appendage of the machines. †He said that lobourers are commodities which are â€Å"expensive to use†but are exploited by the bougeoisie. Marx explains that the proletariat began its struggle as soon as this class was created, at first as an induvidual struggle of the laborer, and later groups of workers. Workers before were still disorganized, divided by goegraphy and by competition with one another. Marx claims that when workers first formed unions, they did so under the influence of the bourgeois and served to further the objectives of the bourgeoisie. The distinction between workers was obliterated due to the wages being reduced to low level. As the proletariat increased in numbers and concentrated in greater mass by forming Trade Unions, they also increased in strenght and local struggles were centralized into one national struggle between classes. Marx further explains that â€Å"the proletariat alone is a really revolutionary class,†that other classes are conservatives or reactionary that fight against the bourgeoisie in order to â€Å"save from extinction their existence as fractions of the middle class†(ch. 1). Because proletarians have nothing of their own to secure, Marx claims that their mission is â€Å"to destroy all previous securities for, and insurances of, individual property†(ch. 1). The proletarian movement, Marx further explains, â€Å"is the self-concious, independent movement of the immense majority, in the interest of the immense majority†(ch. 1). Marx explains that the Communist Party points out and addresses the common interests of the entire proletariat, in their national struggles in different countries, independent of nationality, and represents the interests of the working class in the various stages of development it has to pass through from the struggle against the bourgeoisie. The Communist Party, therefore, still according to Marx, is the most advanced, resolute section â€Å"of the working-class of every country, that section which pushes forward all others†(ch. 2). It has the same aim as that of all the other proletarian parties, which is to overthrow the bourgeois supremacy and to seek its own political power. Marx goes on to explain that the abolition of existing property relations is not a distinctive feature of Communism, that the feature of Communism is not the abolition of property in general, but the abolition of the bourgeois property, which is, according to him, â€Å"the final and most complete expression of the system of producing and appropriating products†(Marx ch. 2). Simply put, Marx states that Communism is a struggle that aims for the â€Å"abolition of private property. †Communism would like to abolish the conception that the labourer merely lives to increase capital, and is allowed only to live insofar as the interest of the ruling class requires it; that labour is meant to widen, enrich and promote the existence of the labourer is what the Communism is fighting for. Communism is, in a way, a struggle of the lower strata of the society against the upper strata. However, it is not a personal struggle of the poor against the rich, it is a societal and political struggle for equality of appropriation of property. Marx explains that â€Å"Communism deprives no man of the power to appropriate the products of society; all that it does is to deprive him of the power to subjugate the labour of others by means of such appropriation†(ch. 2). With its teachings and goals, labour groups and lower working class would have found The Communist Manifesto appealing. The Capitalists, of course, would not have found it appealing, as the manifesto seeks to destroy their current stature and their self-interest would be compromized. On the other hand, Communism would seek to empower labour groups and they would find it all to their advantage to support its cause. The Industrial Revolution has created a majority lower class workers, many of whom lived in poverty under terrible working conditions. The Communist Manifesto calls on all labourers to unite, promising them a better life sprouting from a better world.
Friday, August 30, 2019
How does Clint Eastwood, director of the film, Invictus, use the South African rugby team (the Springboks) as a vehicle to bring a troubled nation together? Essay
How does Clint Eastwood, director of the film, Invictus, use the South African rugby team (the Springboks) as a vehicle to bring a troubled nation together? Clint Eastwood shows the change in the nation of South Africa in Invictus, using the Springboks as a vehicle. He starts the film with large amounts of separation, followed by the steady change in the middle of the movie, and finishing with the nation combined. In the beginning of the film, Clint Eastwood shows how separated black and white people are and how they do not get along, due to the change of the government and the Springboks. Because of the change in government, Nelson Mandela’s staff started to pack their things up as if they were leaving their jobs, but Nelson Mandela stops them and says, ‘The past is the past, we look to the future now.’ Nelson Mandela has noticed the struggle between the two sides of the nation, and is willing to make a change. The nation is very separated at the beginning of the film, and Nelson Mandela thought rugby would be able to bring the two sides back together. To do this, Clint Eastwood made the start of the movie seem as if most South Africans did not like the Springboks and to make it seem like there would be some difficulty in bringing the nation together through the Springboks. Nelson Mandela said that, while he is in prison, he would cheer for any team who were versing the Springboks, encouraging the fact that South Africans did not like them. The Springboks were not liked at the beginning of the film because people thought that they still represented discrimination. An example of this happened during the film when the church is giving out some clothes to children. One child is handed a Springbok jersey but he turns it down and runs away, due to the chance of other children beating him up. After the child is gone, the ladies in the church say, â€Å"Why won’t he take it?†‘If he wears it, the others will beat him up.’ â€Å"Because the Springboks are playing so badly?†‘No. Because, for them, the Springboks still represent apartheid.’ – Ladies from the church. In the beginning of Invictus, everyone is very separate and many people dislike the Springboks. By starting the film like this, Clint Eastwood has set the story up for the audience to notice discrete change in the nation. In the film Invictus, Clint Eastwood showed the combining of the black and white people in South Africa. One thing that Eastwood made the Springboks do to bring the two sides of the nation together was to get them to host a coaching clinic for some children. At first the Springboks are not happy to do the coaching clinics, but do so anyway. At the start of the coaching clinic, all of the children race over to Chester and cheer for him, not paying any attention to the rest of the team. The Springboks begin to teach the children how to play rugby, teaching them throwing skills and how to kick goals. After a while, the children begin to open up to the rest of the team, and start to enjoy the game. Clint Eastwood did this to show how the nation began to come together through the Springboks. In the middle of the movie, it becomes more noticeable that the two sides of the nation are coming together because of the Springboks. Clint Eastwood used the Springboks to bring the nation together by gradually showing the acceptance of white people towards black people throughout the film. A parallel storyline that runs during the rugby match involves a South African child and some white police officers. This demonstrates acceptance. In the beginning of the scene, the South African child wanted to hear how the Springboks were playing by eavesdropping on a police officer’s car radio. At first, the police officers rudely send him away and continue to listen to the game. The African child still tries to get closer and closer, while pretending to collect soft drink cans. But, towards the end of the scene, the Springboks score and win the game, and the police become more accepting and forgiving. They begin to celebrate with the child and raise him up on their shoulders as if he were a mascot. Ironically, in the beginning of the film, the same child is seen refusing to wear a Springbok jersey. By using the same child in the beginning of the movie and towards the end, this shows the audience how the South Africans have changed their view on the Springboks. This acceptance of the Springboks showed the beginnings of a nation coming together. During the World Cup, the final game in the film, the scene occasionally cuts to shots of empty streets and empty houses. This technique shows that everyone is watching the game and that everyone is excited to see the outcome. Another thing Clint Eastwood did to show the black and white people combined is at the end of the movie. He used the world cup to symbolise the nation had been brought together. He did this by making Francois and Chester to both hold the World Cup up above their heads, showing the black and white hand together. By the end of the film Invictus, during the final scene, one can see that the crowd watching the rugby game has changed quite considerably, compared to the game in the start of the film where the Springboks play against England. During this game, Clint Eastwood makes it seem as though the crowd is not the main part of the scene, the game of rugby is. Clint Eastwood makes the focus before the game when Nelson Mandela comes out to greet the players. Then the focus comes off the idea that it is a game of rugby and shows how many people do not like Nelson Mandela. The crowd ‘boo’ and throw rubbish at him. At the end of the movie, the crowd is cheerful and excited. South Africans are cheering for the Springboks and everyone in Africa is witnessing the game. This makes the audience realise the difference between the crowds at the beginning and the end of the film showing how the nation became one. Clint Eastwood has shown the change of the nation through the Springboks by starting the film with distinctive separation between the two sides. By the middle, the Springboks have started to make small changes to unite the nation. By the end of the movie, it is clear that the Springboks are fundamental in making a large difference in uniting the nation. Word Count – 922
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Propose a Job Specification for a Management Trainer
The Management Trainer need to ensure the high level of customer services of the whole company and trainings have been delivered to relative staffs and performed in essential functions afterward. He / she is also responsible for the overall direction, coordination and evaluation of the training programmers. Accountable: He / she will be the management link of company, management and general staff. He / she needs to make sure the programmers effective and suitable for those participate in the courses. Also, he / she is the one who control the training budget of company.Knowledge and Experience: – Educated to degree level, preferable in Psychological, Human Resources, Training or Business Administration. * The reason why need to hire a degree holder is to make sure he / she is appropriately trained and got enough knowledge to fulfill this position. – Over 10 years' working experience in airline industry or customer services field, with more than 5 years relevant experienc e in development and management area is preferred. * To hire an experienced staff will provide a revelation of organization's operations and their training.He / she may easily find the organization's needs and provide the new solutions and trainings. – A consulting level in Human Resources and Training areas are welcome. * Desirable to hire a professional in training field. – Excellent presentation and communication skills with different levels of staff. * As he / she needs to do survey, interview, audit and analysis with different levels of staff, good presentation and ability to communicate with the others is very important for this position. Proficiency in written and spoken Chinese, Mandarin and English. As Cathy Pacific is a global airline, there are many different nationalities of staff. He / she will need to provide trainings in different languages – Chinese, Mandarin and English. So high level of written and spoken skills in these 3 languages is very imp ortant. – Excellent computer skills in MS Word, Excel and Powering. * Nowadays computers are used everywhere in business, especially this is the position of management trainer, he / she must need to use different kinds of software to prepare training materials.Explanation of the various requirements proposed in Job Specification. Job Description: – Analyze the needs of different focus group of management through survey, programs that meet the management team's learning needs across the customer services, administration services and marketing expenses. – Foresee the airline process risk and put the solutions into training programs. – Support the development of new technology then introduce and process the training. – Develop a close working relationship in between different departments to promote discussion and conversation on training.Assist the management to overview the operation team and make sure they have provide excellent customer services to our passengers. Management training is essential to Cathy Pacific as the most positive benefit is better employees. A development of management is part of the way to make improvement of the business. Also, good training is a good benefits package for management staff that can grow their loyalty of company and reduce the turnover rate. Through the training, employees can understand what are the company's goals and set a clear objective to the staff under they managed.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Business Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words - 2
Business Plan - Essay Example to everything in life: whatever is fast requires something slow, it emphasizes yin and yang balance, a relaxation, static and dynamic binding.Tai Chi Center will try to help people absorb knowledge from our ancestors, and understand the wisdom to find a healthy and happy lifestyle, and share them with others. The purpose of the Tai Chi Center is to help people interested in its practices to enjoymental and health benefits.The Tai Chi Center will also reach out to the rest of the community. It will also serve as a bridge to help people from different countries learn about the culture of Tai Chi and integrateChinese culture toAmerican culture. Furthermore, theTCC will cultivate excellent athletes to participate in international competition to win national prestige andpromote theculture of Tai Chi. When people practice Tai Chi, they can improve cardiac health (special for people with a history of coronary artery disease);promote cardiovascular function and energy metabolism;increase the ability to resist disease; relieve psychological stressto prevent the occurrence of physiological disorders;improve older peoples mood, thinking, personality, memory, and motion stability, and can improve everyone’s quality of sleep. The TCC can achieve these goals with three important aspects: To understand what is the origin of Tai Chi, people should understand the meaning of Tai Chi. Tai Chi is taixu. The world â€Å"tai†stands for absolute vastness. The other word,â€Å"Chi†or â€Å"qi†, means emptiness. Therefore, taixu describes the environment of emptiness where there is a void. However, it is in this void that there is the true existence of qi( internal energy). This kind of energy reaches everywhere and changes of the universe and real driving force of all movement just like air we breathe to survive. Tai Chi is a way to describe the emergence of yang (positive energy) when qi is in motion, and the settlement of yin (negative energy) when qi stays motionless. This is the
Semester assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Semester - Assignment Example In the current study, this film has been analyzed in terms of various human resource policies and practices that have been applied or showcased as several instances. The film has portrayed various events of human resource activities. The first instance is when Chris Gardener was travelling with one of the managers of the company, Dean Witter. Here the manager was impressed with Chris as he was able to solve the Rubik’s Cube within the short ride; this specifically highlights the recruitment and selection process. Another instance foregrounding employee relations was when Chris Gardener entered his office with unkempt look and in shabby clothes. Here the conversation of Chris with his managers as well as his tactical way of defending himself can be evaluated. The training and development process is stressed on during the internship process, where Chris Gardener had to face stiff competition from nineteen other interns. The internship also highlights the compensation policies followed during the late 18th century. Recruitment and selection process is one of the major components or functions of human resource department. This basically involves selecting the right person, at the right time, at the right place and for the right job. It involves identification of organizational needs and fulfilling those needs by selecting right candidates. The recruitment and selection process is vast and varies across sectors, industries, organizations as well as nations. Selection and recruitment process is an inevitable part of an organization’s HR policy. Firstly, firms need to constantly promote their employees to a higher level and simultaneously fill the vacant positions. Modern day organizations not only require ground level staffs and employees, but also management executives for decision making and strategic planning process (Kelly, et al. 162-165). In the film, the selection process was
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Critical analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Critical analysis - Essay Example The major effect of global warming is the increase in the carbon dioxide emissions leading to a hotter environment. The long-term effects of the increased carbon emissions include mass extinctions, famine, floods, hurricanes and drought. The film An Inconvenient Truth aims at educating the masses on the need to have environmental friendly investments and sources of energy. This includes developing new generation vehicles. This essay seeks to present an argument whose aim is to find out whether global warming is a swindle or an inconvenient truth. The essay intends to point out the cause of and solutions to global warming. Thesis Global warming has been attributed to human activities or natural phenomena such as changes in the sun. It is imperative to consider the actual cause of global warming and solutions based on the opposing arguments. Strong point for global warming According to Davis, in the movie An Inconvenient Truth, the melting of glaciers parks and ice shelves is bound to have a profound effect. Some of these ice shelves include Mount Kilimanjaro, the Himalayas, Glacier National Park, Italian Alps and Colombia Glacier. Research shows that some of these glaciers have melted halfway. As a result, many polar bears are drowning as a result of swimming longer distances in search of glaciers. These are facts that can be quantified statistically. Continued global warming is likely to result in increased devastation. It is estimated that the melting of Greenland or Antarctica will eventually result in the rise of sea levels (An Inconvenient Truth). This rise is expected to reach twenty feet. In effect, the twenty feet rise in the sea level would leave one hundred million people homeless. This is especially so if places such as Florida, Netherlands, Bangladesh, Shanghai, San Francisco, and Calcutta become affected. In the United States, some of the economic sectors are expected to be impacted more than the others. The agricultural societies are expected to be profoundly affected by the impact of global warming. This is as a result of the loss of soil moisture. In the United States, the frequent wildfires are said to be a direct consequence of this phenomenon. However, an increasing number of scientists have been attempting to debunk the concept of global warming. They argue that human activities cannot be the cause of global warming (The Great Global Warming Swindle). The
Monday, August 26, 2019
African American contribute for NBA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
African American contribute for NBA - Essay Example The game that was once played dominantly by whites has seen roles reversing, with 75% of the NBA players being African American. The game is nowadays associated with the Black Americans culture, especially those in the lower classes insides cities of Americai. In regards to basketball and African Americans, one team is outstanding in both the contexts: Los Angeles Lakers. Lakers are basketball team playing in the professional category in the National Basketball Association.The Lakers are among the most successful NBA teams of all times, having bagged 16 championships in the league. The recent win was in 2010. Currently, the Lakers are the second most richest NBA teams with close to 645 million US dollars. Nevertheless, the team did not begin from a smooth start. According to NBA and sports records, the current Lakers’ team was a purchase from the then poor performing Detroit Gems. After the purchase, the team adopted the name Lakers, an inspiration from Minnesota’s nick name â€Å"The Land of ten thousand Lakes†. The team relocated to Minneapolis in 1947. The Lakers won the NBL championship with great help from George Mikan.This success ensured that the team jumped to the next level, Basketball association of America (BAA). In their first season of 1948-49, the Lakers won the BBA championship.This was great success as the team had transformed from having the worst record in NBL to become the best almost instantly after being sold to Morris Chalfen and Ben Bergerii. The team’s future was bright. The year 1947 saw the birth of NBA from a merger of BBA and NBL. The Lakers proved they were the true champions by winning five NBA championships in six years. This was a record at the time. The achievements of the Los Angeles team were made possible by a rich component of talent at the team between 1949 to 1955. Hall of fame players for the Lakers included an all white list of George Mikan, Jim Polland, Clyde Lovellete, and Slater martin. Very few blacks were playing in the league at that time. Bob Williams was the first African American player for the Lakers, after signing a contract with the team in 1954. In 1960, the team further relocated to Los Angeles with a strong team comprising of two black star players: Elgin Baylor and Wilt Chamberlain, and two white players: Jerry West and Gail Goodrich. Despite this excellent combination, the Lakers lost six finals to Boston Celtics in only eight years. The 1960-1970 decade was bad for the Lakers. Lakers losing streak prolonged until 1972 when Bill Sharman took over as the team’s head coach. Lakers still holds the NBA title for the longest winning streak with 33 consecutive wins during the 1971-72 seasonsiii. In the years after the success, another African American player came to dominate the team. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar was the team’s backbone for approximately seven seasons. Abdul-Jabbar remains the all-time leading NBA scorer with an amazing 38,387 points. He w on six consecutive titles for the Most Valuable Player of the NBA season. At the time of retirement, Abdul-Jabbar was still holding almost all the records; points scored, time played, defensive rebounds, games played, blocked shots, and even personal fouls. Despite these achievements, Lakers did not win an NBA championship until the arrival of Earvin Johnson, or â€Å"Magic†Johnson in 1979. Then a rookie player, Johnson was playing for Abdul-Jabbar after the latter was injured. Johnson put up an MVP performance in the game against Philadelphia. Magic Johnson was an African American professional player, and together with Abdul-Jabbar, assisted the team to reach for eight NBA championship finals winning five in the 1980s decade. Magic Johnson won the coveted NBA’
Sunday, August 25, 2019
US National Security Council (NSC) official briefing the National Essay
US National Security Council (NSC) official briefing the National Security Adviser on why rebel groups may take control of parts of Syria - Essay Example outlining the Syrian conflict as that pitting the foreign allies and the government against the groups of insurgents who are mainly against the government (Syrian conflict spills into cyberspace, 2013). Since the end of the World War II, the context of International Relations to the United States has transformed largely. The nation being the world’s superpower has the mandate to maintain this position by asserting its influence on global issues that define the nature of global cohesion. Therefore, the conflict in Syria, as experienced in other nations such as Libya and Iraq, requires the intervention of the United States. Through the National Security Council, the National Security Advisor of the Head of State reviews the situation in Syria, mapping out the possible implications of the ongoing conflict in accordance with the traditional American viewpoint of International Relations (Choi and James, 2014). The Syrian Conflict may encounter the rebels taking control of most parts of the country because certain foreign forces allied to the ISIS rebels continue funding this movement. Due to the barbaric use of chemical weapons by the Syrian leader on the people of that country, many countries have expressed their solidarity against the leader. This unity between the foreign countries and the radicals empowers the rebels through offering them advanced weapons and funds to fight against the oppression endured by the innocent citizens. In response to these actions, the United States Security Council decided that the United States needs to conduct limited attacks against the Syrian leadership. The U.S holds the mantle for being the most democratic state, and believes that it is the obligation of each government to protect their citizens. Therefore, the choice to join the Syrian government in fighting ISIS will be an indication that U.S supports oppression, while the collaboration with rebel forces will insinuate that the U.S is a state that does not recognize the
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Causal Argument Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Causal Argument - Essay Example Components such as their behaviour, choices, and thinking, influence us. Therefore, individuals feel obligated to follow these components. This in turn causes peer pressure. Peer pressure is beneficial to a certain degree, but it negative impact is more obvious. The part of society which is most susceptible to the impact of peer pressure is that of teenagers (Treynor 108). This paper will look at both the negative and positive effects of peer pressure on individuals. Negative Effects When an individual is not fond of a specific notion or when they do not have a liking toward a specified idea, it is apparent that they will not like to adopt it. Nevertheless, this is their peer group, which may oblige them in engaging in activities they dislike. It is apparent that an individual will not be contended engaging in what you do. Moreover, an individual will not be successful in the activity. Giving way to peer pressure in making significant decisions in your life can make you be sad. For i nstance, choosing a sport or taking up a field only because your colleagues do so, without regard to what your interests are, can only make a person discontented. Bad habits are also developed due to peer pressure. Peer pressure compels an individual to engage in activities that he is not comfortable in. This can make a person embrace a specific form of lifestyle, even if the individual doe not really want to (Spear and Kulbok 84). For example, a teenager may not enjoy consuming alcohol or going to parties on a daily basis, but due to the power of peer pressure, a teenager may transform to a complete party being. Similarly, the teenager may be turned from an individual who does not consume alcohol to a complete drunkard. There is a large number of teenagers who abuse drugs against their desire, largely because their peers compel them to abuse drugs. In numerous occasions, peer pressure has been the cause in generating drug addicts. It may be asserted that at this delicate period, te enagers are not aware that they are damaging their lives by conforming to peer pressure activities. Individuals also experience a loss of identity due to peer pressure. Tremendous peer pressure may make an individual do what his peers deem suitable. This is evident when a person follows his peers without question, adopts their music, taste of fashion, mode of dressing, and way of life as a whole. A person is compelled to do and like what is regarded as others’ preferences. This makes a person lose his conduct and originality of thought. Positive Effects Peer pressure enables individuals to adopt decent habits. Peer pressure gives an individual the opportunity to reflect on himself. Peers may be a source of upright teachings and encourage an individual to follow these upright teachings. This gives people the opportunity to transform their lives for better. Observing the way others perform their activities may assist an individual bring a constructive change in the way they per ceive events. If a person has the capacity to pick discerningly, peer pressure can push the person towards something incredible. For instance, if a student is aware that a number of his colleagues have formed a study group, he will also be enticed to join the study group (Spear and Kulbok 89). It also enables exposure to the universe. The way of life and choices of peers gives a person insight into events surrounding the world. How peers respond in different situations, perceive situations, and think about life events may actually expose an
Friday, August 23, 2019
Project on Financial Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Project on Financial Management - Essay Example The balance sheet of my family reveals that we have just enough assets to cover our liabilities. We keep liabilities to a minimum because we have three growing children and our money goes to support their daily expenses. Aside from paying for the mortgage, there are just the monthly utilities and the telephone and cable to pay for. But as can be reflected, the liabilities already consume about 77% of our resources. The asset to debt ratio of 1.29 shows that our financial liquidity, or our ability to cover our liabilities. As shown, our assets are still more than our debt which enables us to pay for our obligations by keeping them to a minimum – only that which we can afford. The only investment asset we have is our life insurance which has a cash value of $3000. Since we are still paying for our house, it is still not considered as an asset since the title to the property is not yet in our name until it is fully paid. The $5000 in our checking account is composed of the $300 per month I struggle to save for emergency purposes plus other savings made in the process.
Thursday, August 22, 2019
The Chimney Sweeper by William Blake (From Songs of Experience) Essay Example for Free
The Chimney Sweeper by William Blake (From Songs of Experience) Essay â€Å"The Chimney Sweeper†is one of the poems written by William Blake which is based on the status of the society during the Industrial Revolution. During this period, people suffered from extreme poverty as materialism, social injustice, and child enslavement thrived. Hence, writers such as William Blake resorted to expressing their thoughts through their literary works. The poem deals with the detestable exploitation of young children as chimney sweeper. It appears that Blake used bleak contrasts to present this deplorable practice. While some of the lines contained innocent rhymes, the subject matter is dark and grim. Blake wrote the poem from the perspective of a young boy who became a chimney sweeper. On the first two lines of the poem, the main character of the poem tells the readers how he became a chimney sweeper: when his mother died, his father sold him before he can even speak. As it was told in rhymes, these lines reflect how innocent the boy is of the social injustice plaguing England at that time. His naivete has caused him to accept his circumstance while hoping for the day when his freedom from impoverishment would come. He also appears to be stronger than his fellow chimney sweeper, Tom Dacre. When Tom cried because he lost his hair, the narrator comforted him by making Tom realize the brighter side of his misfortune: â€Å"Hush, Tom! never mind it, for when your heads bare, / You know that the soot cannot spoil your white hair. †Thus, for the sake of Tom, he had to remain strong. In the third stanza, Blake used a dream to portray Tom’s desire to escape his unfortunate fate and live freely in a heaven-like place. Towards the end, the angel in the dream reminded Tom to â€Å"be a good boy†if he wants to go to heaven. This dream could be the representation of Tom’s innocent hope. Thus, when Tom awoke from the dream, he felt â€Å"happy and warm. †The poem ends with Tom concluding that all will be well as long as he performs his duties. This duty may mean two things: his job as a chimney sweeper, and his duty to God. Despite their unfortunate circumstance, the young chimney sweepers do not seem to bear ill-feelings about their miserable lives. Instead, they seem to look at the brighter side of things and hold on to hope that a better life is out there for them. Through this poem, Blake may be trying to make his readers feel guilty. These children who seem to lead such difficult lives are capable of optimism, while those who are more fortunate do nothing but complain. If this was an accurate representation of the exploited young children’s thoughts during the Industrial Revolution, Blake may also be encouraging his readers to act against child enslavement and save the children’s innocence before it becomes tainted.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Analyze the impact of geography and economic Essay Example for Free
Analyze the impact of geography and economic Essay Geography and economic activity often determine the future of any civilization. Here, one is forced to admit that most of the obvious differences among the ancient civilization can be drawn based on their geographical location and, of course, their economic history (Wells, 561). Let us take the example of Roman and Mesopotamian civilizations. Roman civilization is centered on a powerful city situated on the Capitoline Hills. In the beginning of Rome’s history, most of the people were either farmers or small-scale traders. When Rome expanded into central and southern Italy at the beginning of the Punic Wars, its policy-makers were faced with this fundamental question, â€Å"How do we protect our trade interests? †The answer was expansionism. Rome acquired territories in the East either by conquest or forced capitulation of kingdoms (for example, Bithynia and Pergamum). Rome’s economic interests led to the expansion of the Roman Republic. When this republic was becoming larger and larger, the need for a more despotic, efficient form of government was becoming a reality. From 88 B. C. to 31 B. C. , the Republic became an avenue of power struggle between powerful public officials. (Such necessity was never a probabilistic tendency, rather a deterministic one) Rome, in 100 B. C. was not yet a center of trade and commerce. As such, only by expansion can Rome protect its economic interests (Wells, 585). The Mesopotamian civilization is situated on the so-called ‘Fertile Crescent’ or the junction of the Tigris-Euphrates Rivers. Its geographical location was suited for trade and commerce. In fact, it was the center of trade in the Middle East, controlling the flow of goods from the ‘Far East’ to the Pillars of Hercules (Toynbee, 266). Hence, most of the city-states founded on the Fertile Crescent were prosperous and relatively peaceful. Wars usually occurred as a means of settling disputes among rulers of city-states. Expansionism was never an important issue. Unlike Rome, most of the city-states preferred to negotiate rather than engage in costly wars. For example, when Uruk defeated a powerful city-state in 1560 B. C. , it was faced with an important fundamental question, â€Å"Is it necessary to occupy the city-state? †The answer was an obvious no. Occupation only entailed increased cost and resentment from the local population. It was more rational to keep the city under constant political surveillance than to actually occupy it. Only at the time of Sargon that was political view radically altered. 2. What do surviving works (art or architecture) tell us about culture? Compare pagan art to Christian art and Greek art to Roman art. Art and architecture define the ideology and prevailing beliefs of particular historical periods (Zaide, 419). Historical periods here do not simply refer to space and time, rather to actual events conforming to specific ideologies (Zaide, 420). Art and architecture also define the way of life of particular groups of people located in specific milieu. Hence, one may argue that works of art generally reflect the exterior and interior tendencies of people; that is, works of art define the psychology and behavior of peoples. For example, the painting ‘The Night watch†(by Rembrandt) reflects the ideological resistance of the Dutch nation against Spanish imperialism. Christian art is essentially different from pagan art in two respects. First, Christian art rests on the twin principles of equality (not to be confused with the ‘equality’ espoused by the French Revolution) and simplicity (Zaide, 549). Early Christian art depicted the symbolic reign of Christ on earth; this is symbolic of the simplicity of Christian life. During the reign of Constantine the Great, Christian art (although still rests on the concept of simplicity) became the emblem of imperial authority and the Divine Trinity (note that early Christian art only depicted the image of Christ). Constantine the Great ordered the construction of great basilicas to proclaim this new interpretation of Christian art. Second, Christian art centered on a single set of ideology. Christian art and philosophy centered on the nature of the Divine Trinity, the simplicity of Christian life, and the majesty of the Roman Church. Pagan art was a ‘hot spot’ of eastern, Greek, and Roman religious philosophy. Pagan art was simply the result of the mixture of pagan philosophies. Roman art is different from Greek art in two respects. First, Roman art was generally a modification of Greek art. The invention of concrete during the 1st century A. D. greatly advanced Roman art and architecture. For example, the simple amphitheatre of the Greeks was transformed into a colosseum. Concrete allowed the construction of more complex structures. Second, Greek art was essentially religious in character (this is assertion is debatable for some historians). Roman art and architecture was a mixture of religious and political philosophies. Works Cited Toynbee, Arnold. A History of the World. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1964. Wells, Herbert. An Outline of History. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1947. Zaide, Gregorio. History of Art. Manila: Manila Publishing Company.
Investigation of Water Scarcity in Singapore
Investigation of Water Scarcity in Singapore Wong Shuang Qi (Kiki) This study is going to take a close look at the current situation of the fresh water scarcity in Singapore and the governments enforcement on the potential solutions, like desalination or NEwater. The best option to the chronic water issue for increasing or decreasing the water demand and supply would be discussed in this topic and a proposed solution that suggested for the water problem in Singapore is a new technology called NEwater would be mentioned in conclusion. The hypothesis of the entire report is doing the decline of water demand and the climb of water supply at the same time. 1.0 Introduction This scientific research is on the purpose of giving suggestion and solutions on the fresh water scarcity in Singapore. Apparently Singapore is lack of fresh water for the 4 million populations in total, since this country is a small island without any river, there are 14 artificial reservoirs, though.(Christine Lee, Sim Hwee Huang and Chang Chew Hung, 2003) In recent years, Singapore always devotes themselves to improve the technique of NE water, which is a strategy for manufacturing new water. Dragonfly lake is existed for the government official vision of city in the garden. This Gardens lake system is important for integrating ecological processes and function as a living system and capturing the water runoff within the gardens. (Aeration Industries International, 2015) Therefore, both increasing the water supply and decreasing the demand of fresh water is supposed to be the best option of solution to this problem. 2.0 Methodology Choosing the particular country as a respondent for this research is the first step to do. The country with water scarcity problems is the reason of Singapore is chosen. Research on the Singapores fresh water issues and understanding the current situation would be the initial mission that has to complete. After dealing with deciding the best solution, the other information such as where Singapore get their water supply, how they take action to decrease the demand of fresh water and what the governments enforcements are. Majorities of my research were done on the Internet and websites that are selected for this scientific research would more likely to be those with .gov or .edu, which represent academic websites with high reputations. Investigating the different solutions in the same number of websites and from different experts was considered to make sure the fairness of this topic. 3.0 Findings The key fresh water issues in Singapore are known as limited areas for water storage and long-term security of water. Currently, Singapore is concentrated on finding approaches for water supply. Malaysia is the biggest supplier of water supply for 40% to Singapore. (UKessays, 2015)Desalination is an important and potential strategy to expand the availability of water sources, which used to dissolve the salinity of the sea water in order to drink, and it can help to solve the problem because Singapore is a country surrounded by sea. However there are still many factors and effects should be considered seriously such as the first desalination plant was instituted at the cost of S$200 million in 1995, which is really a huge amount of money. NEwater is a three-stage process that built for producing better quality of water from wastewater in order to increase water supply controlled by an organization called Public Utilities Board (PUB). Singapore government also encourages private enterp rises to save water and establish more water-saved plants by factories to deal with the security of water.(Cercilia Tortajada, 2007) There are two figures under that include the statistic which fluctuates after the tariffs of water become more expensive.  Table1, Average Monthly Consumption and Bill of All Taxes   Reference: It is a table which shows the average monthly consumption of household and it has slightly decreased from 1995 to 2004. The monthly bill of all taxes is dropped a bit as well. Figure 1, Domestic Water Consumption Reference: The figure above shows the statistic of water consumption from 1995 to 2005 in Singapore. Obviously, the numbers have a stable decline as the price of water has increased, which means the enforcement of water recycle is successfully worked because people dont want to or cannot afford the expensive tariffs of water. 4.0 Discussion According to the findings, Singapore has put their efforts on both increasing the water supply and decreasing the demand of fresh water. If only spend time on one side, it will probably fluctuate the entire economy of the country. In addition, water problem is a chronic existence that occurred from the past to the future. Water supply and demand decreased will definitely be considered as the direction of solution consequently. The whole country all worries about the long-term protection of water. Therefore, they excessively focus on increase water availability, enhance water quality management, and lower the production and management price. Water supply from Malaysia is good but actually it is unreliable and not suitable to be a long-term plan if Malaysia doesnt have sufficient water to use one day. Even though both of NEwater and desalination are based on complex technology and cost much money, NEwater has the advantage of constant existence and improving the quality of water by rem oving the bacteria undoubtedly and desalination has several external factors that may influence its quality and safety. Moreover, if the government keeps making the tariff higher, it will definitely lose many of the consumers and affect the economy badly. As a result, NEwater will be supposed to be the proposed solution to the water scarcity problem.(Cercilia Tortajada, 2007) 5.0 Conclusions and Recommendations The NEwater is successfully worked for improving the quality of drinking water since 2000, and the expert panel also tested its safety in 2002. It can be easily found in the statistic of the treated wastewater amount from 2002 to 2004, which rose up from 1.315 to 1.369 million cubic meters per day.(Cercilia Tortajada, 2007) For the further study on this proposed solution, some other data such as how long the NEwater takes to make 1- cubic- meter water, where the wastewater is from, whether the water will generate some health problems and whether this process will create pollution to the environment can be suggested to support the feasibility of this solution. A limitation that occurred during the research is one of the articles was actually submitted by a student instead of a professional expert. Overall, the future plan of water management in the next couple years in Singapore is a suggested point that used for the further research to understand this topic clearly. References Cecilia Tortajada (2007), Water Management in Singapore, Civil Service College [online]. Available from: [Accessed 13th September 2016] Dealing with Water Scarcity in Singapore: Institutions, Strategies, and Enforcement (2006), Site Resources [online]. Available from: [Accessed 13th September 2016] [Accessed 13th September 2016] Christine Lee, Sim Hwee Huang Chang Chew Hung (2003), Water In Singapore, HSSE [online]. Available from: Singapore Gardens an Environmental Sustainability Showcase (2016), Aeration Industries International [online]. Available from: Reference from:
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Amistad Essay example -- essays research papers
The touchiest subject that a person could bring up in the early 19th century was slavery. Many in the north were wholly against it while many in the south could not live properly without it. The Amistad case intensifies the already bitter feelings between these two parts of the country, and it shows how sectionalist our country had become. On one hand there were the northerners who couldn’t believe that these people were being held for freeing themselves, and on the other hand there were the southerners who said that the Negro’s were animals and should be sent back to Cuba to be hung. There were not only two different attitudes on what should happen to the Africans, but each group also had different opinions on how to handle the story. â€Å"The northern press made much of the story, while the southern press avoided it because they didn’t want to give the slave populations any ideas.†(8)      When the Amistad landed in 1839, most people opposed slavery in the north, but many of them weren’t abolitionists, and others didn’t want to think about the subject at all. The wanted to just save the union, because if that had dispersed, all of the founding fathers work would have gone for none. â€Å"The Abolitionists seized upon the Amistad case as heavensent to abet their cause.†This was what they needed to get more support behind their cause, and to get the people who didn’t want to talk about the subject out and gossiping. On the Spaniards side there was William S. Holabird the District Attorney at that time who thought that it was an â€Å"open and shut case of murder and mutiny, and that Gedney saved the Spaniards from the blacks, and not the blacks from the Spaniards.†(19) The Africans do have many intelligent abolitionists on their side, and Lewis Tappan was one of them. The Africans attorney Roger Baldwin accompanied him, along with an abolitionist named Robert Madden. Madden was a heartfelt abolitionist whose attitude is displayed in this verse: â€Å"We are not always scourging - by the way, Tuesday in common is our flogging day. At other times we only use the whip To stir the drones and make the young ones skip. Then as to food, you may be sure we give Enough to let the wretched creatures live. The diet’s somewhat slender, there’s no doubt It would not do let them grow out.†(60) Tappan was one of the most hated men in the south, and he was the f... ...ery†¦You are great in everything else†¦Your name will descend to the latest posterity with this blot on it: Mr. Adams loves to Negroes too much unconstitutionally.†This was a nicely put hate mail, but it showed the attitude of many. Another thing that he received in the mail from a person in North Carolina was an engraved portrait of himself with a bullet hole through the forehead and the inscription â€Å"to stop the music of John Quincy Adams.†(65) Yet even with all of these dangers lurking around him, he pushed on with much determination to give the Africans their freedom. All of these events and people involved, show what the question of slavery meant to all of them. The Amistad case was a huge event in the 19th century. The verdict not nearly as important as the implications of whom was involved, and how it was taken care of. This case was about the mistreatment of a people who had no right to be looked down upon. This case was about the people who fought for it, and the passions that they shared, and the one passion they didn’t. The men involved in the Amistad case represented to sides to a case, and two philosophy’s of a country separating at a rate too fast for anyone to stop. Amistad Essay example -- essays research papers The touchiest subject that a person could bring up in the early 19th century was slavery. Many in the north were wholly against it while many in the south could not live properly without it. The Amistad case intensifies the already bitter feelings between these two parts of the country, and it shows how sectionalist our country had become. On one hand there were the northerners who couldn’t believe that these people were being held for freeing themselves, and on the other hand there were the southerners who said that the Negro’s were animals and should be sent back to Cuba to be hung. There were not only two different attitudes on what should happen to the Africans, but each group also had different opinions on how to handle the story. â€Å"The northern press made much of the story, while the southern press avoided it because they didn’t want to give the slave populations any ideas.†(8)      When the Amistad landed in 1839, most people opposed slavery in the north, but many of them weren’t abolitionists, and others didn’t want to think about the subject at all. The wanted to just save the union, because if that had dispersed, all of the founding fathers work would have gone for none. â€Å"The Abolitionists seized upon the Amistad case as heavensent to abet their cause.†This was what they needed to get more support behind their cause, and to get the people who didn’t want to talk about the subject out and gossiping. On the Spaniards side there was William S. Holabird the District Attorney at that time who thought that it was an â€Å"open and shut case of murder and mutiny, and that Gedney saved the Spaniards from the blacks, and not the blacks from the Spaniards.†(19) The Africans do have many intelligent abolitionists on their side, and Lewis Tappan was one of them. The Africans attorney Roger Baldwin accompanied him, along with an abolitionist named Robert Madden. Madden was a heartfelt abolitionist whose attitude is displayed in this verse: â€Å"We are not always scourging - by the way, Tuesday in common is our flogging day. At other times we only use the whip To stir the drones and make the young ones skip. Then as to food, you may be sure we give Enough to let the wretched creatures live. The diet’s somewhat slender, there’s no doubt It would not do let them grow out.†(60) Tappan was one of the most hated men in the south, and he was the f... ...ery†¦You are great in everything else†¦Your name will descend to the latest posterity with this blot on it: Mr. Adams loves to Negroes too much unconstitutionally.†This was a nicely put hate mail, but it showed the attitude of many. Another thing that he received in the mail from a person in North Carolina was an engraved portrait of himself with a bullet hole through the forehead and the inscription â€Å"to stop the music of John Quincy Adams.†(65) Yet even with all of these dangers lurking around him, he pushed on with much determination to give the Africans their freedom. All of these events and people involved, show what the question of slavery meant to all of them. The Amistad case was a huge event in the 19th century. The verdict not nearly as important as the implications of whom was involved, and how it was taken care of. This case was about the mistreatment of a people who had no right to be looked down upon. This case was about the people who fought for it, and the passions that they shared, and the one passion they didn’t. The men involved in the Amistad case represented to sides to a case, and two philosophy’s of a country separating at a rate too fast for anyone to stop.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Counter culture / Hackers Essay -- essays research papers
Why Hackers Do The Things They Do? Hackers. You know them as gangly kids with radiation tans caused by too many late nights in front of a computer screen. Evil beings who have the power to wipe out your credit rating, cancel your cable TV, raise your insurance premiums, and raid your social security pension. Individuals who always avert their eyes and mumble under their breath about black helicopters and CIA transmissions. Paranoid, social deviants who could start World War III from the privacy of their bedrooms. Or so the mainstream media would have you believe. In reality, most hackers are ordinary people with a great deal of curiosity, above-average skills with a computer, a good understanding of human nature, and plenty of time to kill. Hackers have no distinguishing characteristics. Your next-door neighbor could be a hacker, as could your niece or nephew, one of your co-workers, or even the kid who serves you coffee in the morning. Not all hackers are dangerous and out to destroy business or damage lives. The view of the general public toward hackers is mixed. A recent CNN-poll shows 33% of respondents labeling hackers as "useful," 17% seeing them "as a menace," and the majority (45%) seeing hackers as "both" useful and a menace (CNN, 1999). Why do hackers go through all the trouble to do what they do? Most people in society do not spend the time to break into computer systems. It does not have much appeal to them. Why then do certain people spend so much of their time and energy accomplishing these feats of technological wizardry? What is the cause that turns those mostly above-average intelligent people to pursue a criminal career, and destroy their otherwise very successful careers? Why do they commit these computer related crimes as an obsession? There are probably as many answers to that question as there are hackers (maybe more). It is important to realize that these people are individuals with their own hopes, fears, desires, and everything else that comes with being human. However, there are general patterns to the motivation behind the computer hacker's drive to manipulate technology. The problem of hacker motivation is probably one of the more interesting questions concerning this sub-culture (Hacker-Bible, 1995). Hackers rarely use information to gain wealth. This is not considered socially acceptable. C... ... models from the legitimate information security community. While it is wrong to stereotype hackers as evil people with malicious criminal intentions, they cannot be stereotyped as compassionate freedom fighters as the hackers like to see themselves. Hackers must also realize that the actions of criminals will always reflect poorly on the hacker community as a whole, until the hacker community tries to police itself, which will never happen. Their actions are by definition, criminal. They can suffer consequences, which include being criminally prosecuted and hated by the information security community. The information security profession must also be more visible in a way that gets children, before the hacker community gets them. Hacking can be very exciting for a teenager who can be considered a hero by others. Somehow the profession must get together to teach parents and schools that they must teach their children about hacking, before somebody else does. Work Cited: Chaos Computer Club (January 05, 1995) Hacker-Bible The New Hacker’s Dictionary (Online Edition, 1st edition) World Wide Web: SUBMITTED BY: Bzer118 Counter culture / Hackers Essay -- essays research papers Why Hackers Do The Things They Do? Hackers. You know them as gangly kids with radiation tans caused by too many late nights in front of a computer screen. Evil beings who have the power to wipe out your credit rating, cancel your cable TV, raise your insurance premiums, and raid your social security pension. Individuals who always avert their eyes and mumble under their breath about black helicopters and CIA transmissions. Paranoid, social deviants who could start World War III from the privacy of their bedrooms. Or so the mainstream media would have you believe. In reality, most hackers are ordinary people with a great deal of curiosity, above-average skills with a computer, a good understanding of human nature, and plenty of time to kill. Hackers have no distinguishing characteristics. Your next-door neighbor could be a hacker, as could your niece or nephew, one of your co-workers, or even the kid who serves you coffee in the morning. Not all hackers are dangerous and out to destroy business or damage lives. The view of the general public toward hackers is mixed. A recent CNN-poll shows 33% of respondents labeling hackers as "useful," 17% seeing them "as a menace," and the majority (45%) seeing hackers as "both" useful and a menace (CNN, 1999). Why do hackers go through all the trouble to do what they do? Most people in society do not spend the time to break into computer systems. It does not have much appeal to them. Why then do certain people spend so much of their time and energy accomplishing these feats of technological wizardry? What is the cause that turns those mostly above-average intelligent people to pursue a criminal career, and destroy their otherwise very successful careers? Why do they commit these computer related crimes as an obsession? There are probably as many answers to that question as there are hackers (maybe more). It is important to realize that these people are individuals with their own hopes, fears, desires, and everything else that comes with being human. However, there are general patterns to the motivation behind the computer hacker's drive to manipulate technology. The problem of hacker motivation is probably one of the more interesting questions concerning this sub-culture (Hacker-Bible, 1995). Hackers rarely use information to gain wealth. This is not considered socially acceptable. C... ... models from the legitimate information security community. While it is wrong to stereotype hackers as evil people with malicious criminal intentions, they cannot be stereotyped as compassionate freedom fighters as the hackers like to see themselves. Hackers must also realize that the actions of criminals will always reflect poorly on the hacker community as a whole, until the hacker community tries to police itself, which will never happen. Their actions are by definition, criminal. They can suffer consequences, which include being criminally prosecuted and hated by the information security community. The information security profession must also be more visible in a way that gets children, before the hacker community gets them. Hacking can be very exciting for a teenager who can be considered a hero by others. Somehow the profession must get together to teach parents and schools that they must teach their children about hacking, before somebody else does. Work Cited: Chaos Computer Club (January 05, 1995) Hacker-Bible The New Hacker’s Dictionary (Online Edition, 1st edition) World Wide Web: SUBMITTED BY: Bzer118
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Neurobiological Perspectives on Autism Essay -- Biology Essays Researc
Neurobiological Perspectives on Autism Autism is a pervasive developmental disorder characterized by restricted, repetitive, and stereotyped patterns of behavior, along with severe impairments in reciprocal social interaction, verbal and non-verbal communication, and cognitive development (1,2,3). If the brain is responsible for behavior then it should follow that disordered autistic behaviors should be explainable in terms of brain abnormalities and disordered neurobiological processes. While findings are generally speculative and the etiology of the disorder remains somewhat of an enigma, there is significant evidence that autism is associated with neurobiological dysfunction. Autistic individuals are often highly socially withdrawn to the extent that they may appear to live in a world of their own. Infants typically fail to develop normal attachments to parents or caregivers. They may seem indifferent to other's gestures of affection towards them, and may even resist being held or otherwise engaged in physical or emotional interaction. They tend to make little or no use of eye contact, smiling, facial expressions, gestures, and other signals of social intent. They continue to manifest many of the same social impairments throughout childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. For example, they typically fail to develop normal peer relationships and they generally demonstrate an impairment in social-emotional reciprocity. Normal displays of emotion or empathy are uncommon: they do not generally offer comfort to others, nor do they seek others for comfort in their own times of distress. Similarly, they lack the ability to share in the enjoyment of other's pleasure and they resist sharing their own enjoyment with others. Res... ...m/p00.html#A 7)Autism and the Limbic System 8)Brain Lesions Linked to Autism 9)Researchers Identify Brain Abnormalities in Autistic Children 10)Pediatric Psychopharmacology: Autism 11)Progress in the Neurobiology of Autism 12)Secretin: A Treatment for Autism? (Autism Biomedical Information Network) 13)Secretin Information (Autism Research Institute) 14)The Use of Secretin to Treat Autism (National Institute of Child Health and Human Development)
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Baz Luhrman’s modern interpretation of the Shakespeare play Essay
This essay is based on Baz Luhrman’s modern interpretation of the Shakespeare play; Romeo + Juliet. It will be focusing on the opening scene, and Prologue. I will be analysing how Baz Lurhman portrays the feud between the Montagues and the Capulets. I will also be discussing how the presentation of The Prologue helps the audience to understand the play. The film begins with a blank TV screen. The TV screen could represent the modern interpretation to the play. The screen the becomes occupied by a news-reader, who begins reciting the sonnet. The idea of the sonnet being read off the news, emphasises the how important the situation is. Once the news-reader has completed the sonnet, the TV ‘transports’ you to the scene of the play; Verona. The establishing shot becomes apparent; a Montague building separated form a Capulet building, only by the statue of Christ. This emphasises the theme of religion, and the line in the sonnet: â€Å"Both alike in dignity†This is because each building belittles the rest of Verona, as well as the other. The camera then speeds up and shows a sequence of fast shots. This is known as ‘mise en scene’. This represents a degree of chaos, and highlights the conflict between the two families. The Prologue is then recited again, this time, by the Friar. As he reads, the words are reinforced by bold, white text, on a black background. The contrasting colours could be highlighting the two families’ differences. The use of colour; in this case black and white, are most likely an deliberate choice, as black and white are both immediate opposites, therefore helping the audience differentiate between text and background. This allows the audience to correlate the friar’s voice with the text, despite the short amount of time in which the text is shown. After the Friar has completed The Prologue, the camera focuses on a family tree, of each family; in turn. Almost as soon as it has shown the family trees, the shot becomes engulfed in flames. The flames could convey a message of hatred, rage and anger between the two families. From the flames, a newspaper heading appears, whilst the flames fade. The heading suggests re-occurring violence between both the Montagues and the Capulets, and could also show that the feud is still as strong as ever. We can then learn that the strongest of the families quarrel lies between the youth of each house. This becomes apparent when the camera focuses on a number of magazines, with the younger generation of each house on the cover. Baz Lurhman also incorporates the use of magazines, as opposed to tabloids, when referring to the youth, as younger people are usually more associated with magazines. In the next shot, the parents of each house are pictured, accompanied by the actor’s name and character. In turn, the same happens for every character. This is important, as it allows the audience to differentiate between the members of each family, and who the main roles are. The types of shots depicted are very solemn, except for a character named ‘Paris’. He is shown in a happy scene; as he is not involved in the feud, whilst every other character is affected, in some way, by the civil conflict. The Prologue concludes with a montage of shots, featured earlier in The Prologue, aswell as a repertoire of emotion-provoking shots, from later in the film. As the closing sequence is shown, shots of fireworks are merged in, to again, establish the theme of chaos. Finally, the title appears, and The Prologue finishes. The final aspect of Baz Luhrman’s interpretation, is the Music. Without this particular piece (Carmena Burana), The Prologue would not provoke as many emotions within the audience. This is because; as the tempo, and volume rises beyond forte, Baz secrenises the action scenes to run along side this. He also utilises the piano-pianissimo parts of the piece to again, establish the sonnet. All together, the music adds the element of drama, and strong emotions to the opening scene.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Chad Presentation
Population- -The Republic of Chad has a population of 11,525,496. -The population density of Chad is 8 per sq km. (23 per sq mi) Politics/Government- -The Republic of Chad is a Presidential Republic. -The President is Idriss Deby and the Prime Minister is Emmanuel Nadingar. -Over all peaceful. -Has many allied countries. -High tensions with Libya, Nigeria, & The Central African Republic. -Eligible for preferential trades benefits under the African Growth and Opportunity Act. Dominate Religions- -51% Islam -35% Christian -7% Animist -7% OtherCulture- -People are called Chadians. -Chad society/culture unstudied and relatively unknown to the outside world. Major Physical Features- -Landlocked country in north central Africa. -85% size of Alaska. -Lake Chad on western border with Niger & Nigeria. -Sahara Desert in the north. -Lowest point: Djourab Depression 160 m. -Highest point: Emi Koussi 3,415 m. Weather/Climate- -North is arid/ desert. -South is tropical. Brief History- -Earliest hu man/prehuman skull discovered by Michel Brunet in 2002 was beryllium dated to 5 million bce. 900ce Several small states began to form in chad by indigenous africans and a minority of arabs. -Kanem empire originated to the northeast of Lake Chad. -1396ce Bulala invaders from the north forced Kanem people towards Lake Chad. -Kanem people intertwined with the Bornu people near lake chad to be called Kanembu people. -Sayfawa dynasty ruled Kanembu (Kanem-Bornu) people. -Sayfawa dynasty ended in 1846, Then the empire itself fell in 1893. -French first entered Chad in 1891 -Decisive colonial battle for Chad fought on April 22, 1900 at Battle of Kousseri. During WWII Chad was the first french colony to rejoin the allies. (August 26,1940) -Under the administration of Felix Eboue, Chad troops moved to engage axis Libya. -Chadian Democratic Union founded November 1947. -August 11, 1960 Chad became an independent country under the rule of Francois Tombalbaye. -1975 Tombalbaye overthrown and rep laced with prime minister Hissene Habre. -Civil war from 1979-82 split Chad into 11 Factions. -Habre regained power after civil war and kept it until 1990. Idriss Deby, Habre’s leading general defected in 1989 and became president in December 1990. Current Events- -Droughts becoming more and more common in Sahara Desert region. -Flooding near Lake Chad has killed 24 people and left about 70,000 homeless. -Wanted Sudan leader is in Chad hiding out from the International Criminal Court for war crimes. -Red Cross worker recently abducted in Chad now free. Education Availability- -Schools in Chad largely based off of the French education system. -Chad scholars becoming largely known in recent years.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
The Pepsi Generation
Nancy Perry The Pepsi Generation MKTG305-01 Marketing Management Unit 4 Individual Project October 30, 2011 Abstract It takes many years to build a brand name. Pepsi is no exception. This paper discuses what Pepsi means in today’s market and how it has evolved over time. It also discusses the evolution of Pepsi’s target market and their competition. Celebrity endorsements can sell products and this paper discuses Pepsi’s endorsers as well as their competitions. The Pepsi Generation Introduction Pepsi Cola has been around since the 1893. Invented by pharmacist Caleb Bradham, Pepsi was originally named â€Å"Brad’s drink†, it was renamed Pepsi Cola about ten years later (Bellis, n. d. ). The Brand in Today’s Market Pepsi is found everywhere. It is known by everyone. What started out as a drink designed to be enjoyed and to help in digestion has turned into a conglomerate that encompasses so much of our lives, our vocabulary and so many products that we see in our pantries. Today the Pepsi brand more than just a soft drink. It is also breakfast, juices, teas, side dishes, snacks, cereals and oatmeal’s, energy drinks, and even water (Brands, 2011). Pepsi products are found in grocery stores, convenience stores, discount retail stores, and restaurants. The Pepsi logo is found on everything from children’s toys to racecars and is a recognizable symbol all over the world. The Brand’s Evolution Pepsi has come a long way since its creation in Caleb Bradhams kitchen. Pepsi Cola went bankrupt in 1923 and was later purchased by the Loft Candy Company who tried to sell it to Coca Cola. Pepsi’s first jingle was broadcast across the nation in 1940 (Bellis, n. d. ). in 1966 Pepsi is sold in Japan and Eastern Europe for the first time. In 1970, sales exceed the $1 billion mark with 36,000 employees (Our History, n. d. ). the 1980’s saw Pepsi become the largest beverage company in the world with more than 300,000 employees (Our History, n. d. ). By 1990, Pepsi had acquired Frito-Lay, Gamesa, Smarfood, Kentucky Fried Chicken, 7Up, and many other enterprises (Our History, n. d. ). The Brand’s Target Market: Today and Yesterday In the early years of Pepsi, the target market was limited to the customers who frequented Bradham’s Pharmacy in New Bern. Sometime around 1910, Pepsi started an ad campaign featuring women and celebrities (Caleb Bradham (1867-1934), 2011). This was a very successful move on Mr. Bradham’s part. Women have always been the deciding force behind household purchases, and celebrities grab the attention of the consumer. Pepsi’s target market today is geared for a younger crowd. The celebrities that are employed to be in today’s commercials are well known to the younger generation. Of course, commercials are not the only way Pepsi attracts young people. Pepsi sponsors concerts for musicians that are popular with young people. They provide scholarships, arrange educational trips, they give away items like bicycles, cd players t-shirts, and concert tickets (Pepsi Market Targeting, 2010). Positioning Of Competitors Pepsi’s biggest competitor is Coca Cola. Positioning by distribution would not help Coca Cola since Pepsi is found virtually everywhere Coca Cola is found. Price positioning also would not help Coca Cola because their prices are about the same as Pepsi. Benefit positioning is a good way for Coca Cola to position itself in the minds of consumers but Pepsi has one thing going for it that Coca Cola does not: Pepsi has food products in its list of goods and Coca Cola does not. Target positioning is Coca Cola’s strongest method. They target the same young people that Pepsi does, the 15-25 year old range (Target Market of Coca Cola, 2010). Coca Cola targets upper lower and lower class students and family oriented people with busy life styles who are fun loving and who loves entertainment. They are looking for people who are part of the mobile generation who are on the go and enjoy listening to music and watching television (Target Market of Coca Cola, 2010). Coca Cola and Pepsi and similar products but they do have their differences. Advertising reinforces these differences, which can affect sales and pricing. Advertising also protects the brands from their competition. However, there is a downside; an increase in competitive advertising can have an undesirable effect on the overall sales of each of the brands (Linton, 2011). The Celebrity Face of the Brand: The Fit and the Target In 1984, advertising history was made as Michael Jackson and his brothers appear in Pepsi commercials. Other celebrities like Lionel Richie, Tina Turner and Michael J. Fox soon followed in Pepsi commercials (Our History, n. d. ). Rap singer MC Hammer and Ray Charles appeared in commercials in 1991. All of the celebrity endorsers for Pepsi were chosen to reach a specific target market. Britney Spears and Beyonce were chosen to reach the younger generation just as Michael Jackson was some twenty years earlier. Ray Charles was chosen to reach older consumers who grew up in the ‘50’s and ‘60’s. Other Possible Endorsers for the Brand Pepsi has done a good job keeping up with the times, utilizing the celebrity status of the most popular and well-known people to sell their product. According to TV Guide, the three most popular celebrities are Jennifer Lopez, Kim Kardashian, and Mariah Carey. All three have appeared in Pepsi Commercials. Natalie Portman, Hilary Duff, and Zooey Deschanel have never endorsed Pepsi and would reach their target audience. Hilary Duff is a good choice because of her association with the Disney Channel. Young girls look up to her and young boys think she is pretty. Natalie Portman, whose fame skyrocketed with the release of the Star Wars prequel trilogy, would also make an excellent choice for Pepsi commercials. Zooey Deschanel is appealing to young people because she is an actress, a musician, a singer and a songwriter. The Competitors’ Endorsers Paris Hilton, LeBron James, and Christina Aguilera have all endorsed Coca Cola. However, Coca Cola tends to choose more athletic endorsers, like speed skater Apolo Ohno, and Olympic hockey player Angela Ruggiero (Coca-Cola's Olympic endorsers, 2011). Coca Cola looks for more active athletic people, who are in good, physical condition. Perhaps because they want Coca Cola to be associated with a healthy lifestyle. They do have healthier alternatives than Coca Cola itself like juices and teas. Conclusion It is common knowledge that celebrities affect brand positioning. Advertising reinforces the brands image and helps to protect it in the brand’s market share from their competitors (Linton, 2011). References Bellis, M. (n. d. ). The History of Pepsi Cola. Retrieved October 28, 2011, from About. com: http://inventors. about. om/library/inventors/blpepsi. htm Brands. (2011). Retrieved October 29, 2011, from PepsiCo: http://www. pepsico. com/Brands. html Caleb Bradham (1867-1934). (2011). Retrieved October 29, 2011, from North Carolina History Project: http://www. northcarolinahistory. org/encyclopedia/113/entry Coca-Cola's Olympic endorsers. (2011). Retrieved October 30, 2011, from The Atlanta Journal-Constitution: http://proje cts. ajc. com/gallery/view/business/020510coke_athletes/ Linton, I. (2011, June 06). Does Advertising Affect Brand Management? Retrieved October 30, 2011, from eHow Money: http://www. ehow. om/info_8548285_advertising-affect-brand-management. html Our History. (n. d. ). Retrieved October 28, 2011, from PepsiCo: http://www. pepsico. com/Company/Our-History. html Pepsi Market Targeting. (2010, January 13). Retrieved October 29, 2011, from About. com: http://inventors. about. com/library/inventors/blpepsi. htm Target Market of Coca Cola. (2010, June 14). Retrieved October 29, 2011, from Zimbio: http://www. zimbio. com/Coca-Cola/articles/AQ1BESn41bA/Target+Market+of+Coca+Cola TV Guide Most Popular Celebrities. (2011). Retrieved October 29, 2011, from TV Guide: http://www. tvguide. com/top-celebrities
Observation Paper Essay
On Wednesday July 2nd, 2014 I visited Wiley Mildred Family Day care center to observe a group of children that I have never met at a house I have never been to. Throughout my hour that I spent at Wiley Mildred I observed a group of children interacting with each other as well as the caregivers as they were having their outside privileges. As I conducted my observation I studied children’s actions and noticed the practicing of the Sociocultural Theory, the Social Learning Theory, the Cognitive Theory, and the Psychoanalytic Theory. All these theories were able to be observed through actions this is due to their environment around them and the activities they were engaged in. The observation taught me how significant an action can be for a developing child and how important it is for a child in a care center to be mentally and physically stimulated. Wiley Mildred is an average family home in a quiet residential area in Victorville, CA. Upon arriving at the house I noticed the establishment had gates separating the front-yard and backyard that were securely locked and baby-proof. As I rang the door-bell I was greeted into the house with smiles and warm greetings. The director of the facilities name is Gloria, a Latina woman with a very thick accent; she had an assistant whose name was not given. Right away I was taken to the back-yard as it was â€Å"recess time.†Gloria’s backyard was very open and large it contained a grassy area, a woodchip area and a concrete area as well, in each area different toys and materials were in use. In the grassy area there were two smaller slides, small chairs, and many toys that children must use their fine motor skills to operate. In the woodchip area there were larger structures; my favorite was the teeter-totter in the shape of a plane that fit a total of six children. There were three different play structures of moderate sizes, some with slides and some with platforms to climb and stand on; all requiring a child’s gross motor skills to operate. The concrete area had multiple small teeter-totters, along with two merry go rounds, a girl’s play house, and three tricycles. The children at the day care were surprisingly of all different ages, ranging from age one and a half all the way to age eight; the most common age of the children was age four. I noticed that on a small table all the children had their own specific cup and were all given plenty of water throughout play time and they drank it very willingly. Gloria explained to me that she only let’s them drink water, especially during outside time when it’s so hot and they need to stay hydrated. Gloria had a very open backyard, no area being to separated from one another, this made it very effortless for all the children to play together, all being stimulated simultaneously; no matter what their age, sex, or race were they all involved in playtime. As all the children were playing Gloria and the assistant constantly were talking to all of them, playin g learning games such as guessing colors and shapes; they also used both English and Spanish when talking to all the children, not just the ones that already knew Spanish. During my observation, I took a trip to the bathroom so I could get a look around the house and to see what the sanitation and safety of the facility was like. As I walked through the house I noticed how extremely clean the house was, and the bathroom was just as clean as well. Each potty training child brought their own toilet trainer seat with them every day to ensure cleanliness, and the babies in diapers were always changed in a specific room. On my walk back to the backyard I examined that every door knob, cabinet, drawer and electricity plug were completely baby-proof. After completing my observation, my personal conclusion on Wiley Mildred Family Day care center was more than positive; it was a very nurturing environment for the children of all ages to grasps the idea that a child must always be safe, clean, and stimulated when in the care of others. I began my observation with seven kids and throughout the hour it reached ended with a total of twelve kids. Each child was unique in his or her own way but all had similarities as well. A few of the children could be grouped with a much larger class because they had the aspects for a certain theory. The first theory I notice could be applied was the Psychoanalytic theory; the idea that an individual’s actions and initiatives derive from unconscious inclinations. I observed a little boy around the age of two looking at a bird that had landed at the top of the gate, at first he seemed fearless but as the bird flew away it frightened him and he instinctively clung to the care givers leg. This relates to the psychoanalytic theory because when frightened he impulsively grabbed onto an adult he is comfortable with, this can mean that finds safety in adults or was scared a great deal as an infant making him more timid and afraid than other children. Next, I observed the Social Learning Theory being put to use; the concept that behavior is learned by the behavior of others. For this theo ry I watched the youngest child which was about a year and a half old. When she was told to go down the slide she was shy and hesitant but, subsequent to watching an older boy go down the slide with pleasure, she went on the slide and persisted to go on the slide repeatedly. This grasps the concept of the Social Learning Theory for the reason that without seeing the little boy go down the slide to know that it was secure and enjoyable the little girl would of by no means went, she learned the concept of going down the slide from another individual and mastered the skill personally. The Sociocultural Theory deals with the growth and nurturing of children through cultures and societies. The caregiver as explained had a heavy accent and was more comfortable with Spanish than English; Gloria watched over Latin-American children as well as African-American children, and she spoke Spanish to the both of them. This is an example of the Sociocultural theory because although the African-American children were obviously not fluent in Spanish they were being engaged in languages and cultures of another country, and the oldest of the African-American children even wanted to learn more Spanish. The last theory I observed was the Cognitive Theory, the proposal that thought procedures are influential weights on an individual’s attitude. As the birds were perched on the fence in the back yard another young child around the age of three was staring intensely, not sure exactly what it was she was looking at. With the aid of the care giver using assimilation and reassuring her that is was a bird, the child was building â€Å"schemas†in her head so that equilibrium can occur. As the bird left and came back shortly the child was ecstatic and repeating, â€Å"Bird!†An aspect of the cognitive theory is the child’s process of learning something new and mastering a new skill with the help of assimilation. Each child throughout their development can be a part of any one of these theories; observing children truly shows how much can be observed and learned in such little time. Due to the fact that I observed the children of Wiley Mildred Family Day Care Center during their outside time I was able to observe multiple developmental appropriate activities for the reason that playtime is when the children apply their developing skills the most. The children engrossed themselves in various developing activities, some dealt with their fine motor skills, some involved their gross motor skills, and other activities dealt with coordination and cognitive development. The gross motor skills required activities were the easiest to observe and document such as; using the teeter-totter, going down the slide, racing, climbing up the play structures, playing basketball, spinning each other on the merry-go-round, and riding the tricycle. Activities relating to gross motor skills were the largest to be observed mainly because during active play children engage themselves in more vigorous doings, which generally deals with larger, whole-body muscle engagement rather than minor muscle utilization. I then looked for fine motor skill related activities; although they were less to see compared to gross motor skills I did observe them. I noticed a young boy picking up little rocks about the size of a ping pong ball, and transferring them to the other side of the yard, little girls played patty cake with the directors assistant; enjoying when they had to engage their hands in the process of â€Å"baking a cake.†The most amusing use of fine motor skills I observed, was a little boy trying to blow bubbles, he could not hold the stick and kept dropping it and picking it up continuously until with assimilation from the director he learned to hold the handle and not the end you blow bubbles with. The last observations I made dealt with coordination and cognitive growth, the younger children played a game that required them to match an animal sound with the certain animal this dealt with their coordination as they are learning to match one object with its corresponding sound. Role-playing is a sign of cognitive growth; it shows the child not only becoming self-aware but it also shows them beginning to realize that not everyone thinks and acts exactly as they do themselves. Outside play time not only entertains children but is a prime moment in time for the attaining of necessary skills children will continue to use for the rest of their life. After conducting my observation and taking time to reflect and research on what I saw I can unquestionably say that I have learned first-hand that a child is a fragile and divine creation of their own and if they is not given the necessary stimulus, encouragement and basic precautions a divine creation can turn into what you can call a beautiful disaster. Through the duration of my study, I was able to relate multiple theories to real-life situations rather than just reading about them in books; theories such as Psychoanalytic, Sociocultural, Cognitive, and Social Learning. All theories support the research and observations of great psychologists such as Piaget and Vygotsky; after carrying out my own personal observation I have taken minor steps on the ongoing path these psychologists have traveled on and contributed personally to the persistent development of child development as a whole. All in all, Wiley Mildred Family Day Care Center was a demonstrative, cultivating environment that is a prime environment for a child to grow and develop with other individuals and as well as themselves through engagement of attributing skills. If you would personally like to contact Wiley Mildred Family Day Care Center they are located at 14623 Karen Dr. Victorville, CA and the director Gloria can be reached at her facility by the number, (760) 951-2781.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Holiday Sales May Be Frightful Essay
The article â€Å"Holiday Sales May Be Frightful, But Discounts Will Be Delightful†discusses tough holiday season for retailers because Christmas sales are expected to increased up to 4%. Nevertheless, the season is claimed to be soft and sluggish. This season is, actually, slower compared with sales of the previous year. The decrease in sales is explained by macroeconomic problems as, for example, house slump and credit crunches which negatively affect customers. The author cites Niemira who argues that â€Å"a huge worry facing the holiday season is that the home-price decline and housing wealth decline will cut into consumer spending broadly†. I think the article is informative and provides up-to-date information as practically all people are interested in making purchases. It is known that one of the most popular leisure activities in American consumer is shopping. People are ready to spend money on things they are willing to possess, but housing problems make it less affordable for many citizens. All aspects of consumerism are paid thorough attention by marketing workers and economic analysts. I think the author is very logical and unbiased as the author firstly defines the problem and then explains what reasons have led to it. Credit crunch and housing problem, in my opinion, are two the most serious problems. For example, the author says: â€Å"the credit crunch makes it harder for all households, especially low-income families, to refinance and get other credit†. Apparently, the poor have been disproportionately hurt by high fuel prices. I think that the author does sense in his argument and suggestions. Moreover, all his ideas are properly supported by evidence and explanations of analysis and economists.
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Answering questions regarding personal statement 1 Essay
Answering questions regarding personal statement 1 - Essay Example Additionally, I know my rights and privileges as an employee. Such knowledge will ensure that I create effective labor relations at the company thereby enhancing my productivity at the company. I understand the dictates of professionalism, codes of conduct and the ethics of the practice. I am a quick learner thus best suited for employment. The feedbacks show that I am a visionary and self-aware individual. I have immense passion and have a clear roadmap of how to achieve my dreams. I systematically cultivated my love for electronics and am currently seeking admission to pursue a degree in engineering. This shows my dedication, hard work and adaptability. However, the feedback further shows that I have to enhance my commitment and interact with like-minded individuals who would help increase my productivity both in school work and later at a place of work. I am extremely ambitious a feature that may turn to an obsession. As such, I need to engage in other extracurricular activities to help balance my interests and ambitions. Furthermore, co-curricular activities would help transform me into a holistic, healthy and mentally alert individual thus improving my productivity. I could have provided better evidence by limiting the examples and evidence to the most essential. Apparently, I created a lengthy document consisting of a number of unrelated features. In future, I will ensure to include the essential details that have a direct correlation to the job. With few yet appropriate evidence, I will explain the relationship between the evidence and my abilities effectively thereby succeeding in presenting my strengths and abilities succinctly. Additionally, I will explain the evidence chronologically by ensuring that they portray my development goals and future aspirations. In my future studies at LJMU, I will strive to develop my skills by deciding to specialize in a course that will enhance my
Monday, August 12, 2019
Jordan Briefing Paper Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Jordan Briefing Paper - Article Example In this paper, we shall discuss various aspects of the Jordan culture which will enlighten us about this country’s social, economic, religious and political scenario. Elements of Traditional Arab Culture observed in Jordan Jordan has various elements of the traditional Arab culture indebted in its roots. The bulk of the population being Muslims they believe in the religion of Islam as the other Arabs. Both the social as well as political system of this region follows the extended patriarchal family structure where the Sheikh or head of the family is chosen on the basis of their lineage, wealth and the will of their personalities. According to the system, the eldest son of the Sheikh succeeds to the throne after his father’s death. Even today in Jordan, the camel breeders are considered to be on the supreme level in the society as per the traditional Arab culture. Moreover, they follow the old Arab custom of marrying a person from within the family since anyone outside t heir clan is considered to be inferior by the traditional clans. Although the Jordanians are much more liberal in their thoughts as compared to the other Arab countries, still they are very conservative regarding women’s clothing. The traditional Arab culture where women are required to cover themselves from head to toe as well as wearing of veils is still mandatory in Jordan. In addition, the practice of the separation of sexes is virtually followed in all the places in Jordan till today (Chmidt, n.d). Extent of Influence of Westernization and Modernization on Traditional Arab Culture Lot of changes has occurred in all aspects of the Jordanian society under the influence of Westernization and Modernization. Even though the Arab culture endorses the highest level of conservatism, Jordan is far more broad-minded especially where women are concerned who enjoy considerable liberty as compared to women in other Arab countries. The female gender enjoys the freedom to complete educ ation, the right to vote, to drive cars and often hold vital positions in business and politics. In the urban areas, women enjoy greater equality and freedom than in the past, though the traditional practices still dominate their lives. Furthermore, Muslims are prohibited from drinking alcohol as per Islam however it is available in most of the restaurants and pubs in Jordan. Moreover, the growing number of educated urban youths has started believing in individualism preferring to set up their own households instead of residing with their parents. This has led to the shift in the trend from extended families to nuclear households in this country. In addition, westernization has led the Jordanian youths to alienate from their traditional cultures (The Library of Congress Country Studies, 1989a). Cultural Sensitivities of the Country As we know that Jordanians are far liberal than their neighbors but they do have certain reservations which visitors needs to keep in mind when they are touring this country. They are conservative where women’s clothing is concerned; all the local women are supposed to wear attires which cover their arms, legs and hair. Though western women and tourists are not subject to so much restriction but very revealing clothes are never apposite and conventional clothing is advisable for both men and women in Amman and outside the cities. Moreover, topless bathing is barred and one piece swimsuits are recommended although two piece swimsuits can be worn at
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