Monday, September 30, 2019
Economics paper
Mall Sullivan University Operations Strategy April 26, 2014 Abstract: Shoulders hospital has been the best service provider for treating hernias and been in demand since a long time. However, due to the limited capacity of 89 beds the hospital is not able to meet the market demand which is causing it to lose its market share and success. The main constraints mentioned in this case study are the number of beds in the hospital for patients and the number of surgeons to operate.In order to remove the above two limitations, Shoulders hospital should come up with single solution that can help them to expand their facility without losing the current service quality. The current paper deals with the analysis of current operations followed by few recommendations for improving their facility without upsetting the present work force and the quality of service. About the Company: Shoulders hospital was started by an Ontario born Dry. Edward Earl Shoulders in 1945. Dry. Shoulders showed interest in medical research since 12 yr of age and graduated from University of Toronto.Dry. Shoulder's work was related to find the cure for pernicious anemia, intestinal obstruction, hydrocephalus cases and his facial concentration was to find innovative surgical method for hernia. The shoulders hospital was initially a six room facility, however the capacity was increased to 36 beds in 138-acre estate and 17,000 square foot main house and then to capacity of 89 beds due to the increasing inflow of patients of both first time and recurring cases. Shoulders method has become so popular for treating hernia. After Dry. Earl, Dry. Bribes Shoulders and Mrs.. W.H Request, the children of Shoulders method inventor followed their father's footsteps and continued practicing and managing the teeth since 1961. In 1965, Dry. Nicholas Boney, companion of Dry. Shoulders started his work as chairman of the board and increased the capacity to 6,850 operations per year by 1982. They have developed the ho spital to a facility with five operating suites, expert surgeons, nurses and staff all working together to treat patients with hernias. History: Dry. Shoulders showed interest in medical research and graduated from University of Toronto in 1916. Dry.Shoulders served medical examining board during World War II and operated many young men in the army for hernias before their training. Due to he limited number of doctors and hospital area, he invented an ambulation method to provide free service to 70 people and named it as Shoulders method. Shoulders method became popular and a large group of people started contacting Dry. Shoulders to get operated for hernias. The lack of hospital area, beds etc. And the demand from the people allowed him to open a hospital in Toronto, Canada and it gained a demand of 48% from northern part of United States.The site initially had a hospital with a capacity of 36 beds and a clinic in one building allowing patients to move from one to other for communi cation and interaction. The site was later expanded to a capacity of 89 beds allowing more patients into the hospital facility. Shoulders Hospital Process: Success rate: The treatment of hernia with no pain and fast recovery is the main objective of the doctors working at Shoulders hospital and had served hernia patients for more than 55 years with 300,000 cases and 99% success. The surgeons at the hospital have 100% success rate executing primary and recurring cases.Customer satisfaction was the primary importance of the shoulders hospital and this was very well taken care by the nurses who provided counseling during recreational activities and socializing vents for patients. The cost of operation was $1030 which is comparatively cheaper than other hospitals. Also the patients were allowed to work, perform physical activities and meet other patients immediately after the operation to discuss their experience in a comfortable environment. The hospital used word of mouth from the pat ient and their experience as a sole source for advertising which brought huge demand.The hospital used standardized equipment for operations thus reducing their operating costs. There were patients from outside the country and were provided with very good care which proves its success. Advantages of Shoulders technique: Unique method Broad patient experience Thoughtful employee policies Experienced surgeons and staff The above mentioned are certain advantages of shoulders technique that differentiate it from other methods used by various surgeons across the country. Situation Analysis: Shoulders method was invented to treat young military men with hernias.This method became more popular due to its speedy recovery and positive surgical results. Dry. Shoulders after serving for the army started his hospital due to the increase in demand for the treatment. Shoulders method involved operating hernia under local anesthesia and pain killers. The method helped the patients to move from the operating table to their rooms and move freely immediate after operation to talk to other patients. The patients have dinner together as a routine so that they can discuss and build up their confidence.The whole process was so successful with 140,000 happy customers due to the positive experience, speedy recovery and lower recurrence percent of 0. 8. The technique was popular among the surgeons as it allowed them to have time for their families, daily activities and good wages. The technique was popular among nurses due to the good wages and time for counseling deeds. Though the hospital was running with good success rate, it had its own further challenges with an accumulation of 1200 patients and available resources.Shoulders hospital needs to come up with a plan to decrease such patient backlog and improve its business with existing quality of service. Problem: The problem that is bothering Shoulders hospital management is that though having a very good method and work force, the y are not able to meet the demand and accumulated a huge number of cases (1200 patients). This might cause them to lose their market. In order to sustain its market share, Shoulders hospital should come up with an idea that can increase its capacity without losing its quality of service.The other problem is that Dry. Boney, the chief surgeon is retiring soon. So, the position has to be filled with someone who has the knowledge of the technique as well as the system. Problem analysis: Shoulders hospital has been treating hernia successfully since 55 years. The fee charged by this hospital for treatment is $2230, which is very less when compared to other hospital facilities who charge $5240. The excessive demand for their treatment method doesn't require any advertising and promotional conducts and was spreading its fame by word of mouth.Such excessive demand has been compelling to expand their facility; however the management has several fears and concerns such as losing its basic pr oficiency and market share etc. Expansion and advertising fear: The management has a fear about expansion in response to the demand for their technique as they preferred in improving their services giving complete proficiency. They also feared about competitors using their name in order to promote themselves which might lead Shoulders hospital to lose its name and be blamed in case of any failure in treatment.Fear about scheduling operations on Saturday: Due to the demand and backlog, if the hospital decides to perform operations on Saturday, they need to set 6 surgeons and 1 supervising surgeon at work on Saturdays. This may disappoint the staff as its not they signed the contract for. The staff also feared that if they increase the capacity, the quality of service might not be the same. Options: The options would include 1 . Performing operations on Saturdays utilizing the existing facility 2. Adding a new floor with 45 hospital beds 3.Opening off new hospital facility in US. Eval uation of options: The criteria for evaluation include costs, quality, comfort, approvals and discontent among staff members. 1) Performing operations on Saturdays can be considered valid as it would use the existing facility thus saving the cost of new construction and avoiding additional investments. The routine of the hospital can be maintained same with similar environment and culture. With this option, the number of surgeries performed per week would increase from 165 to 185 (14% rise).However, there might e a decline in the service quality due to the increase in the work load in the given time period for the staff and the only solution to this problem is to appoint additional staff or by paying additional wages to the existing staff. The benefits of performing operations on Saturdays option would be that it doesn't require approvals from the state, increase in wages and incentives to the staff, reduction in the backlogs and surgeons can spend time with their family. ) Adding a new floor plan with 45 beds would increase the bed count by 50% and can still help in maintaining the quality of service, environment and culture. However, adding a new floor plan would cost 2 Million $ and that can take at least 4 years to recover the costs. It would also require additional staff and surgery rooms due to the increase in the work load by increase in number of beds, housekeeping, laundry and other utility maintenance to accommodate increase in patients.The construction of new floor can cause disturbance to the existing patients. Also, it is difficult to accommodate the increasing patients in the canteen that would disturb the meal hours. 3) The formation of new hospital facility can solve problems like staff working n Saturdays and increase in wages and incentives of the existing staff as the new facility would need a whole new staff and surgeons reducing the pressure on existing setup. Patients can directly consult qualified surgeons rather going to the unqualified ones as earlier.However, the quality of the service cannot be maintained as of the existing facility as it would need hiring of very qualified surgeons and staff which is not an easy task. Also, the new staff should be trained to treat patients as in the existing facility. Finally, the formation of new facility and hiring people is not only mime taking but also requires huge investment and the patients might not come to visit Toronto campus anymore. So this might not be a better option to reduce the patient backlogs.Recommendations: From all the above analysis, I would like to propose few recommendations that can help Shoulders hospital in reducing patient backlogs and improve the facility. The first recommendation would be working on Saturdays with slight changes such as making Saturdays as working days in the month of September (high inflow of patients in this month) and adopting a plan of action to synchronize various activities. Also, the additional rooms in the third floor can be used for keeping patients.The second recommendation would be not to expand or form a new facility in US as hernia operations are common in US and involves huge investment. Also, there can be regulations and issues pertaining to USA government and administration issues to build and run hospital in different country. However, if expanded it might provide new opportunities. The third recommendation would be to patent the Shoulders technique of external hernia treatment so that any other organizations cannot use the name illegally.The forth recommendation would be to implement and adapt a succession and retirement plan for doctors and staff and their families. Giving bonus and incentives to them depending upon their efficient performance and seniority, survey and votes etc. The fifth recommendation would be to continue as a specialized hospital for hernia treatment rather expanding to other treatments thus preventing diversification from its competency. The sixth recommendation woul d be to increase the nurse-patient ratio by hiring more number of nurses to take care of patients and improve the quality of service.The seventh recommendation would be to convert the hostel facilities to hospital beds to allow more inflow of patients and decreasing patient backlogs. An eighth recommendation would be contracting with other local and similar facilities as silent partners and team up with their doctors providing them the required training. This would allow holding the existing position in market with no competition. The final recommendation would be to alter the inflow of patients that can prevent adding more beds by utilizing the freed bed-space. Reference: Hackett,J. (2003). Shoulders hospital limited. Harvard Business Review.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Influences that helped Nayar to create
Abstract In this paper, an analysis will be made about the Innovative leader Vineet Nayar, a former CEO of HCLT. This paper examines and describes his leadership techniques within his organizations. In this paper, I will analyze the global trends that influenced the need for Nayar to create a more Innovative organization. Also, this paper will introduce the five discovery skills and assess Nayar's use of them as an innovative leader within his organization. Lastly, I will make recommendations for improvement on use of the discovery skills.Factors In the global environment that Influenced Nayar's need to create a more innovative organization In the article A Maverlk CEO Eplalns How He Persuaded HIS Team to Leap into the Future, Vineet Nayar was the president of the Delhi-based IT service provider, HCL Technologies. In 2005, Nayar noticed that his company was losing market share and mindshare. He also noticed that his competitors were becoming more enhanced at substantial rates each ye ar. According to Nayar, a global organization is one that Inverts the pyramid of the organizational structure and Is more entrepreneurial (2013).Nayar traveled to locations around the world and had meetings with senior managers where he would listen to their ideas; they would talk honestly, and face the truth. According to Nayar, â€Å"This method enabled people to see that a change has to be made. †This technique came to be called Mirror Mirror. Nayar's use of the five discovery skills and how he used those skills to create an According to The DNA of Innovators, an organization's success vanes systematically throughout the business life cycle. The discovery skills are most prominent in the early phases of a businesses life cycle (Dyer, Gregersen, andChristensen 2011 The five discovery skills are associating, questioning, observing. networking and experimenting. Associating, as Dyer, Gregerson, & Christensen (2011) stated, â€Å"happens as the brain tries to make sense of n ovel inputs. Associating helps innovators discover new directions by making connections across seemingly unrelated questions, problems or ideas (pg 23). †When Nayar determined the direction he wanted his company to go in Is when he used the associating skill. Although his company was doing very well at the moment, he noticed key points that allowed him accept the fact that his company eeded a new strategy.The second discovery skill is questioning. In The DNA of Innovators, â€Å"Innovators ask questions to understand how things really is today, why they are that way, how 1 OF2 included his employees to find out their outlook and ideas. He questioned them to determine which direction they thought the company needed to heed in. Nayar also spoke to and questioned customers to find out their likes and dislikes with HCL. He realized that the value zone for his company was between the customers and the frontline employees. The third discovery skill is observing.Innovators use this skill by carefully watching the world around them so that what they see can help them build ideas for new ways to do things. This is what Nayar was doing when he traveled to locations around the world. He was attempting to gain insight on his company on a larger scale. The fourth discovery skill is networking. The idea networker does not simply network to sell themselves or gain relationships to possess desired resources. According to Dyer, Gregerson & Christensen, the idea networker, â€Å"networks to actively tap into new ideas and insights by talking with people who have diverse ideas and erspectives. By Nayar speaking with his front line employees and customers to gain insight on the direction of his company, this is a form of networking â€Å"ideally. †The last discovery skill is experimenting. Innovators use this skill by traveling to new places, seeking new information and trying new things ideas. Nayar experimented when it used the EFCS concept. This concept revers ed the hierarchal organizational structure by which he valued the ideas and thoughts of his employees on a greater scale. He saw it best to get information from the people who where ctually dealing with the outside world daily, and knew what the customers wanted.Opportunities for Nayar to improve his use of the skills that encourage and support innovative organizations Ultimately, Nayar worked the discovery skills very well. He made rational thought through decisions that ended up benefiting his company greatly. I do feel that although Nayar changed the traditional organizational hierarchy, he cannot forget about his managers and higher level executives. Although he bridged the gap and received valuable information, he has to keep in mind that he placed people in those ositions for a reason and therefore he should value their opinions on the situation as well.Networking is also something he has to make sure he continues to build on. This is very important when trying to build an org anization on a global scale.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Cataracts Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1
Cataracts - Research Paper Example This therefore means that the lens must be very clear for the retina to be able to receive an image that is sharp. If however the lens is cloudy from the formation of cataract, the image seen will be blurred (Caldwell, 1988). The functioning of the eye is just like that of a camera. Thus there is passage of light rays in the eye through the cornea first and then the aqueous humor (which is a fluid that is transparent in front of the eye), and then via the pupil and finally into the lens. The light rays are then bent onto the retina which lines the back of one’s eye. From this point, the image then passes via the retinal cells, and onto the optic nerve, and eventually onto the back of the brain which finally processes the image. Cataracts will therefore occur when there is protein buildup in the lens which makes it appear cloudy. This leads to the prevention of light from passing clearly via the lens, thus leading to loss of an individual’s vision. There is formation of new lens cells outside the lens, leading to the compacting of all the older cells at the middle of the lens, which results into a cataract (WebMD Medical Reference).Most cataracts start developing when an injury or age causes a change into the tissue that forms the lens of a person’s eye. Under normal circumstances, the lens is usually positioned behind the pupil and the iris and works just like the lens of a camera. Its main function is to focus light onto the retina and at the eye’s back, where the recording of an image takes place. The lens is also responsible for the adjustment of the eye’s focus, making sure that we are able to see things clearly, both those that are far away and upclose.The lens is composed of protein and water. The protein is naturally arranged precisely in a manner that always keeps the lens in a clear form and allows passage of light through it. Old age may however cause the clumping together
Friday, September 27, 2019
Ursula burns Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Ursula burns - Essay Example At a young age, Burns exhibited unequaled interest and capability in mathematics thus prompting her to like mathematics throughout her learning years (West Hartford). Burns’ mother acted as an immense inspiration for being able to cater for own three children single handedly thus giving her inner strength as well as courage. All through her life, almost each thing seemed extremely hard including utter deterrent from people who constantly told her how unlucky she was because been black, underprivileged and more so of being a woman. However, Burns’ mother tried to equivocate all those discouragements get into her and constantly reminded own daughter that, where she was will not in anyway delineate her future (â€Å"Embassy of the United States of America†). Back then, she anticipated of embracing nursing career, nun or if not those a teacher. Since, all these aspirations descended from the influence of their teachers in catholic schools where she schooled while undertaking high school studies. Conversely, not all the three options did prompt her feel contented as her ambition was to become an engineer, hence defying careers that her tutors were advising her to undertake (â€Å"Lean In†). Nursing this dream and actualizing it did not seem that easy but due to constant encouragements especially from the mother as well as her high school, Cathedral High School she eventually managed (Robertson 3). Due to her proficiency in mathematics, she ended up schooling in Polytechnic Institute of new York University (Smith 1903). Here she chose a career path, which majority of the students was men and mostly the whites thus joining few females dared to pursue engineering. Initially, she opted to undertake chemical engineering but eventually changing to mechanical engineering for she thought it suited her more than the former. After her Bachelor of Science degree in engineering, she proceeded to Columbia University for a graduate program (Smith
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Enclosed in attachment. (Psychology) Research Paper
Enclosed in attachment. (Psychology) - Research Paper Example Creative cognition is defined as the approach that is used to explain the role of cognitive processes in the process of creative thinking. The main objective of the science dealing with the creative cognition is to be able to determine the components of the creative process. Through years of study and in depth empirical data analysis, it has been concluded that the process of creative thinking acts on a multitude of different processes. It is not limited to a certain psychological area or component that can be labeled as its own. This conclusion then makes it a challenge to limit the components and mechanisms that are involved in the process of creative cognition (Smith, Ward and Finke, 1995). One of the main issues in the study of creative cognition is the basis of mechanism. One group believes in the evidences pertaining to the fact that creative cognition is based on expertise. On the other hand, an opposing side purports that creative cognitions is based on insight. The aim of the paper is to present an analysis of the two opposing sides on the basis of the available evidences. By being based on expertise, it means that creative cognition is a structured process of psychological and mental activity. This can be considered analogous to a ‘systematic and well-organized’ manner of mental processes that are structured in different aspects (Stemberg, 1999, p.208). Based on the evidences related to the said concept, when the brain is given a particular problem to resolve, the automatic reaction is an analysis based on memory. This can be considered as logical resolutions to different stimuli. For example one issue is tackled, different parts of the brain related to the said issue is activated. This can be related to the popular saying that ‘experience is the best teacher.’ Due to the fact that the brain has stored information related to the issue, processing of the data is more efficient (Gabora,
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Strategy and competitive advantages of Easyjet 05191 Essay
Strategy and competitive advantages of Easyjet 05191 - Essay Example Success of business depends upon efficient implementation of the incorporated strategies (Kourdi, 2010). Therefore, the management is required to monitor and review the implementation process over a certain time interval to analyse the strategic gap and should take immediate action for rectifying the situation. This is important because fail of strategy implementation process causes the organization to encounter huge loss (Hitt, 2009). In this paper, the business strategies and competitive advantage of easyJet Airline Company Limited, a low cost carrier based out of London will be analysed in details. Initially, the business model and competitive factor of low cost carriers such as easyJet plc was based only on price consideration. In subsequent period, when easyJet plc understood that driving business on the basis of a single competitive strategy can prove to be risky for long term, the company emphasised on developing strategies with the objective of ensuring robustness of business in the competitive UK airlines industry (Belobaba, Odoni and Barnhart, 2009). Business strategies of easyJet plc concentrate on various other areas of business apart from price leadership such as merchandising, improving customer services, application of best and latest technologies etc. easyJet plc also concentrates on multi channel strategies in order to increase strategic partnership for expanding business through penetrating into new markets and acquiring those technologies and services that are inadequate in the company(International Transport Forum, 2014). In the next segment, strategic changes of easyJet plc will be evaluated through Kotter’s model of strategic change. On the basis of systematic study of hundreds of organizations, their strategic planning process and capability of bringing changes in the existing strategies, Dr. Kotter has developed strategic change model, following which a company can
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Week 5 chapter 13-15 questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Week 5 chapter 13-15 questions - Assignment Example The origins of this concept is traced by to 1845 when journalist John OSullivan first used the United States Magazine, and Democratic Review, where he expressed the need to annex Texas to ensure the expansion of the American territorial boundaries. At the time, the journalist was reportedly protesting that England and France were meddling too much in the American affairs, something that he did not like. The term then grew in popularity and became a political word after that (Brands et al., 2012). The 1850s Compromise was the legislations that were proposed to help resolve the dispute that arose regarding slavery and the territorial boundaries just after the Mexican-American war. Some of the key provisions of the Compromise include the proposal that California be admitted as a free state to the Union. The second provision was that the part of Mexican that had not seceded be subdivided into two territories namely Utah and New Mexico and that these territories be free of slavery. Thirdly, the Compromise proposed complete abolition of the slave trade in the District of Colombia. Fourthly, the Compromise contained the Fugitive Slave Act, which required all Americans to assist the slaves that had returned. Lastly, the Compromise had a provision requiring Texas to give up parts of the western land which it had earlier claimed and received approximately $10 billion to help settle the national debt (Brands et al., 2012). Following the case of Dred Scott v. Sandford in which Scott sued for his freedom after the Missouri Compromise had prohibited slavery, Justice Taney ruled against Scott arguing that not American regardless of whether slave or free could be an American citizen. In fact, the judge continued to argue that Scott could still not have won even if he were to be a legal plaintiff. This ruling favored the sectionalism in the sense that it meant that slavery would still be practices in Missouri despite having been outlawed by the Compromise (Brands et al.,
Monday, September 23, 2019
Idealized versus Real Identity in Carson's Audubon Essay - 2
Idealized versus Real Identity in Carson's Audubon - Essay Example For Carson,  James Audubon’s realist works are not authentic because they signify forced renditions of natural birds. She presents a unique notion of the difference between substance and form in human identity. In â€Å"Audubon,†Carson uses image, diction, sarcasm, and metaphor to argue that, when people are blinded with their love for physical appearance and social stratification, they cannot perceive the difference between human form and substance and see the truth about their identities.The poem employs images of inauthentic portrayals of birds to depict the disparity between people’s perception and the reality of their identity. The images of the birds cannot be trusted as truthful because they are dead, in the same way, that perceptions of humanity tend to be false because people base them on idealistic, but inaccurate, views of themselves. Carson puts open and close quotation marks on the phrase â€Å"drawn from nature†(2) because Audubon did no t paint them as they are. Audubon paints them, not as they are, but as how he wants them to be. Carson accentuates that â€Å"†¦[Audubon] hated the unvarying shapes/of traditional taxidermy†(5-6). She suggests that he is not satisfied with the roughness of actual animal nature. He prepares them to be more palatable to his tastes and audience. But to change nature indicates deception. Some people also enjoy deceiving others with appearances. They will enhance or hide their natural features, in order for them to be acceptable in their society. Furthermore, a number of people take pains in being who they are not. Carson emphasizes how Audubon changes what a bird must be, according to how he wants them to be seen.  She describes the â€Å"flexible armatures of bent wire and wood/ on which he arranged bird skin and feathers†(7-8).  Nothing is natural in his paintings because the actions of the birds and their appearances are contrived.
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Arguments in Favor of Capital Punishment and its Alternatives Essay
Arguments in Favor of Capital Punishment and its Alternatives - Essay Example This punishment has been applicable since ancient times to curb crimes and bring felons before justice. World’s major religions such as Christianity and Islam have also prescribed death for murder, necromancy and rape attempts as presented in Holy books including Bible and Quran. For instance, we have to consider the viewpoints, arguments, opinions, ideas, and understanding of every individual as we live in the democratic society where every person enjoys the freedom of speech, expression, and open communication. It is worthwhile to mention the fact that anti-capital punishment campaigners usually disregard the universal truth that everyone is mortal when defending Life Imprisonment against the death penalty. For instance, such campaigners argue that life-long wait for natural death by criminals will increase their agony of torture and emotional anguish in comparison to the pain and hurt they receive before hanging in public for death. However, they fail to provide a legitimat e explanation against the argument raised by endorsers of the death penalty â€Å"whether Life Imprisonment to culprits is the just decision for those who have lost their loved ones killed by felonies for personal reasons†. Some of the major arguments raised for and against capital punishment will now be demonstrated in the following sections to reach an appropriate conclusion. The first major argument in favor of Capital Punishment by supporters is that it leads to permanent eradication of notorious criminal groups, gangs or individuals from society. In addition, the death penalty serves as an example that no one is beyond the law as well as permitted to take law in one’s hand by brutally assassinating the innocents in society. Also, the punishment makes society safer and restores the confidence of the general public, which remains frightened from the presence of such malefactors in prisons.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
America’s Greatest Challenge in the 21st Century Essay Example for Free
America’s Greatest Challenge in the 21st Century Essay Throughout the 21st century, United States of America has been plagued by so many crisis and challenges that put the integrity and strength of its government on test. But perhaps the most harrowing ordeal the country has ever experienced was the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001 which claimed more than two thousand lives, mostly innocent civilians. United States has considered terrorism, coupled with nuclear threats, its greatest challenge ever. Organized terrorists from hostile nations target America. Since the nation is very superior in conventional warfare compared to its adversaries, terrorists deviate from non-conventional warfare and resort to nuclear terrorism. Technology is helping these criminals to undertake their evil scheme. In nuclear terrorism, the terrorist use nuclear weapons, including radiological weapons, to cause massive destructions to humanity to attain their political or religious ideals. Terrorists pose great threats by utilizing or exploiting nuclear in a number of ways: 1) They can attack nuclear facilities for the purpose of melting down the nuclear reactor and releasing the toxic substance inside. The power plant will cause radioactive contamination and will result into great casualties. Such incident my equal or exceed the catastrophe brought by the Chernobyl in 1986. 2) They can create dirty bomb which is loaded with radioactive materials and a conventional explosive. Upon detonation, it releases radioactive and highly poisonous particles in the air. Terrorists find this appealing since it is very successful in instilling fear and panic. Further, its contaminating effect is long-lasting. 3) They can create improvised nuclear device (IND). This bomb uses low-grade nuclear substance but the effect is still devastating. ) They can buy ready-made nuclear weapons in the black market. This way, all they have to do is read the manual, set the weapon and detonate it. Presto! Hundreds of civilians lie lifeless on the street. 5) They can create a full- blown nuclear bomb. This may not be highly probable, but it is still possible. Organized terrorists, including those who are supported by the hostile nations, have the technology, money and capability to design and fabricate a nuclear bomb. The danger is very clear: the spectre of nuclear attack on the American soil looms and it is getting clearer each day. Wrong hands are holding nuclear weapons; the wrong hands who desire nothing but to kill Americans and destroy American power. America is a powerful and rich country. It can easily build a nuclear weapon and bomb those nations who cuddle terrorists. †Fight fire with fire. †However, that is easier said than done. There are several and less violent, yet effective, ways for America to fight nuclear terrorism. First, all nuclear weapons, materials and facilities must be secured and well-protected. This way, it prevents any plan of the terrorists to attack, sabotage or steal these things. This includes the intensive drive of the government to eliminate or confiscate all nuclear weapons and materials held by unauthorized individuals and arrest anybody who is caught selling these deadly things. Second, stiff sanction must be imposed to any nation or country that sponsor any act of terrorism. America should be firm with this one. Without any sponsor and a base, terrorism and terrorist will surely cease to prosper. Third, investigating and counter-terrorism tools must be upgraded to match the sophistication of terrorists. Aside from that, the agencies must not keep the reports to themselves. They must share information not to the public but with the other agencies. They must have transparency to compare notes and information. Lastly, the American citizens must be educated about all kinds of terrorism. Information drive should be conducted. If possible, civilians should be given authority to make an arrest if necessary. This way, ordinary citizen can help distinguish any terrorism even before the act is committed. With knowledgeable civilians around, detection of terrorism will not be limited to the authority alone; thus the long arm of the law is made even longer and prevention rate of terrorism will be much higher.
Friday, September 20, 2019
User Behavior Mining in Software as a Service Environment
User Behavior Mining in Software as a Service Environment Abstractâ€â€Software as a Service (SaaS) provides software application vendors a Web based delivery model to serve large number of clients with multi-tenancy based infrastructure and application sharing architecture. With the growing of the SaaS business, data mining in the environment becomes achallenging area. In this paper, we suggest a new metric along with a few existing metrics for customer analysis in a Software as a Service environment. Keywords: Software as a Service, SaaS, Customer Behavior analysis, Data mining in SaaS Environment I. Introduction With the rapid development of Internet Technology and the application software usage, SaaS (Software as a Service) as a complete innovative model of software application delivery model is attracting more and more customers to use SaaS for reducing the software purchase and maintenance costs as it can provide on-demand application software, and the users can adjust the functions provided by services to meet changes in demand. SaaS is gaining speed with the considerable increase in the number of vendors moving into this space[1]. The SaaS model is different from a regular website model. In a regular website model, users of the software directly interact with the software application. But in the case of a SaaS model, users interact with the application through the service provider. The difference between a regular website model and a SaaS model can be shown in figure 1. Figure: 1 II. Motivation Software as a Service (SaaS) is being adopted by more and more software application vendors and enterprises [2].SaaS is beneficial for the customers in such a way that, a customer can unsubscribe from the services whenever he wants which makes it a challenge to manage customer relationships. One of the characteristics of the SaaS business model is that one SaaS service needs to serve a large number of customers, among which considerable portion are customers for whom services are offered on trial basis. As there is competition in the market, both trial and paying customers may move their business to another service provider based on their requirements. It is essential for a service provider to retain the customers from migrating to another service provider. Previous studies show that a small increase in retention rate would lead to a considerable increment in the new present value of the customers. To withstand the competition in the market, a service provider should satisfy the cust omers by understanding their current behavior and predicting their next move like if they are having any problems in using the services, how much are the customers satisfied based on the seriousness and activeness of the customers. III. Related Works A lot of work has been done in the area of analyzing the customers’ behavior on website model. Various methodologies are stated by various authors on various processes in mining the web. In [3] Sindhu P Menon and Nagaratna P Hegde, analyzed the views and methodologies stated by various authors on various processes in web mining. In [4] R. Suguna and D. Sharmila listed out work done by various authors in the web usage mining area. In [5] the authors Jiehui Ju., gives a quick survey on SaaS. It covers key technologies in SaaS, difference between Application Software Provider and Software as a Service Provider, SaaS architecture and SaaS maturity model and the advantages that SaaS offers to small businesses. In [6], the authors Espadas et. al, presents the analysis of the impart of a set of requirements and proposes guidelines to be applied for application deployment in Software as a Service (SaaS) Environment. In [7], the authors Ning Duan, et. al, proposed an algorithm and two metrics which work with the collaboration among the users of a customer in a Software as a Service environment. IV. Problem Definition In a SaaS Environment, an effective relationship with the customer depends on how much the status of each customer is understood. In order to understand the status of a customer, it is necessary to study the behavior of ehte customer form time to time. It is necessary to predict the customers’ seriousness and activeness in using the service. This prediction may help the service providers in improving their business strategies. In a business to customer website model, the mining is done based on selected metrics like visit frequency, average depth, average stay time etc. In the case of SaaS model, there is another level of users who actually use the service. So, regular user behavior metrics may not yield accurate results in the case of SaaS model. If individual customer’s user’s behavior is studied, then the difference between the customers may be identified. A lot of research is done on user behavior analysis in regular website model but those methods used for user behavior analysis may not guarantee accurate predictions. So an extra parameter or metric is to be considered. As in the SaaS model, a tenant is the direct customer of the service provider and the actual users of the service are the users of the customers, one way to study the behavior of the customers may be by summing up the individual user’s metrics of a customer to evaluate the customer’s behavior. But this way ignore the individual differences of the behaviors of the users of a customer. In addition to these regular web usage mining metrics if collaboration among the users is also considered in the analysis of customer behavior, it may yield better results than just using the regular metrics. But previous works done in user behavior analysis in SaaS uses only collaboration metrics in the analysis which ignores almost half of the analysis data. The experiment done aims at using collaboration metrics along with another metric which works with the data not considered in the collaboration metric calculation so that all the available data is considered in user behavior prediction. V. Experiment The experiment is done in two phases, namely Data Collection Phase and Data Processing Phase. In the Data collection phase, the necessary data (like server log files, transaction history, etc) are collected. In the second phase i.e. in Data Processing phase, the actual analysis takes place. This phase is further divided into individual modules like preprocessing, pattern discovery, and pattern analysis. Preprocessing is a process of refining the sever log data and transaction history removing noise in data (if any) and populating database for further use in next modules. It includes data cleaning, user identification, session identification, transaction identification. Pattern Discovery is the process of discovering the usage patterns from the cleaned raw log data. As in this experiment, it is not regular usage patterns that are to be considered, collaboration patterns are to be considered. Regular usage patterns are the sequences of activities that are performed by the users individually. But, collaboration patterns are those that are performed by users by interaction. Collaboration patterns are not the transaction patterns rather they are the patterns of users that collaborate to perform a transaction. Definition of Collaboration: Collaboration is defined to happen when different users of a customer work on the same business object during a certain period of time. For example, in a Human Resource management SaaS service, the vacation request is submitted by a regular employee user of a customer and then is approved/rejected by manager user of the same customer. Here two users of a customer are involved in the process of granting a leave. This is called collaboration. After the raw data is cleansed, the data used for collaboration discovery may contain details of the transactions performed by the users of any tenant with tenant id(tid), user id (uid), transaction id (transaction_id) (may also be called business object id), date, time, service id (sid). In this table more than one user may be involved in the completing of a transaction. Algorithm: Collaboration User Set Identification Input: Table 1 that consists of the transaction details Output: Collaboration_Table with collaboration transaction details Initially Collaboration_Table is empty Get first record from Table 1 Insert details into Collaboration_Table While end of table 1 not reached Get next record from table 1 Search for transaction_id in collaboration_Table If found, update collaboration user set and no_of_users Else Add details to collaboration_table as new record Table 1: Sample table showing the contents of Table 1 Table 2: Sample Collaboration Table Pattern analysis plays vital role in the experiment. This module deals with the behavior analysis based on the collaboration patterns extracted above. From [7], there are two type of collaboration. They are random collaboration and repeated collaboration by certain group of users. The first type of collaboration can indicate the activeness of the customer no matter which users are involved in the collaboration process. It can be called as Active Collaboration Index (ACI). The second type of collaboration can be described by the usage patterns among the users of a customer. It can be called Patterned Collaboration Index (PCI). A high ACI value tells that a customer is actively using the SaaS service and if such a customer is still a trial customer, it probably shall be the high priority target to get it converted into paying customer. A high PCI value tells that a tenant is seriously using the SaaS service with relatively strong loyalty, cross-selling or up-selling opportunity can be explored for such a customer. The formula to calculate ACI and PCI are as follows The AppCNorm is the normalizing factor indicating collaboration characteristic of SaaS service. While some SaaS service are rich with collaborations and others may not be. In order to balance the difference among different SaaS services, this normalization factor is employed. Where Pni denotes the collaboration pattern i of customer n, N is the total number of customers, and m is the total number of patterns in customer n. supp(pni) is the support value of pattern Pni, and len(Pni) is the length of the pattern. These collaboration metrics works only with the collaboration data and neglects the remaining data which is almost half of the data. Hence another metric can be added along with the above metrics which considers the non-collaboration transactions. As the new metric is for non-collaboration transactions of a tenant, it can be called Average Usage Index (AUI). This can be calculated using the formula This AUI increases the accuracy of prediction of activeness of the customer along with ACI. VI. RESULTS For this experiment, the data created is for 100 customers of a Software as a Service provider who is providing 6 different components of an application as different services. Among these 100 customers, first 50 are taken as paid customers and the other 50 are taken as trial customers. Table 3: Summary of transactions Table 4: Sample pattern list Table 5: Sample Calculated Metrics From the above calculated values, we can observe that though T0 is a paid customer, less ACI and PCI values indicate that this customer is not using the services to the full and hence revenue generated from this particular customer is not appreciable. Rather, this customer may be planning to unsubscribe from the service and hence is an important target for the service provider to retain the customer. In the case of T45, it has high ACI value, high AUI value indicating active usage of the services and high PCI indicating that this customer is completely migrating his business onto the SaaS service generating the service provider more revenue. Among the sample trial calculated values, customer T50 is active and serious and hence, there is a high probability for this customer to convert into paid customer. On the other hand, customer T89 is not very active and is not serious indicating that he may be facing technical difficulties in using the services and hence should be helped with or is thinking to unsubscribe from the services. Table 6: Summary of Calculated metrics From the above table, for any tenant to be considered active in using the services, minimum ACI and AUI values needed are 1 and 1 respectively and minimum PCI value needed is 2. VII. Conclusion The metrics ACI and PCI are introduced in previous works done by Ning Daun, et. al in [7] which works with collaboration data and leaving the non collaboration data. In our work, a new metric is introduced AUI which considers the non collaboration data also in customer behavior analysis. Still further, frequent pattern analysis can be applied on this non collaboration data to get usage patterns and so the analysis can be further improved. VIII. References [1] Wei Sun, Xing Zhang, Chang Jie Gou, Pei Sun, Hui Su, IBM China Research Lab, Beiing 100094, â€Å"Software as a Service: Configuration and Customization Perspective†IEEE Congress on Services Part II, IEEE 2008. [2] E. Knorr, â€Å" Software as a Service: The Next Big Thing†, http://www.†[3] Sindhu P Menon, Nagaratna P Hegde, â€Å"Requisite for Web Usage Mining – A Survey†, Special Issue of International Journal of Computer Science Informatics: 2231-5292, Vol-II, Issue-1, 2, pp. 209-215. [4] R. Suguna, D. Sharmila â€Å"An Overview of Web Usage Mining†, International Conference of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887), Vol. 39, No, 13, February 2012, pp. 11 – 13. [5] Jiehui, et. al, â€Å"Research on Key Technologu=ies in SaaS†, International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Cognitive Informatics, 2010, pp. 384-387. [6] Espadas et. al, â€Å"Application Development over Software-as-a-Service platforms†, The Third International Conference on Software Engineering Advances, 2008, pp. 87-104. [7] Ning Duan, et. al, â€Å"Tenant Behavior analysis in Software as a Service Environment†: Service Operations, Logistics and Informatics (SOLI), 2011 IEEE International Conference, pp 132-137, July 2011.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Rude Awakening :: essays papers
Rude Awakening The day was over and I lay in my rack wide-awake wishing I were in my own bed at home. As I recalled the events of the day, I began to fully comprehend the magnitude of my decision to join the Navy. I was about to spend my first night in the Navy’s boot camp. I thought of the shower I had experienced earlier. It was my first experience of a mass community shower. The shower was an extra large yellow tiled stall with 12 chrome showerheads. Six on each sidewall evenly spaced apart. Showering two girls to a head, orders to hurry were being barked from the female RDC’s monitoring us. RDC’s are Recruit Division Commanders; they are in charge of our boot camp learning experience. The next set of girls waited nervously just outside the stall for their turn. The shower experience was definitely something I was going to have to get use to. I lay in the top rack of my bunk, feeling sad and a little silly. I missed my family and friends and I felt silly for feeling so emotional and sad. I was surprised at how sad I was feeling and thought maybe I was being a baby. I turned my head to survey my surroundings and I took notice of the girl in the top bed of the bunk next to me. She was lying on her stomach resting on her elbows and crying as she wrote, probably a letter to someone she missed from home. I could hear her soft faint sobs. I could see by the expression on her face that she was fighting back her urge to cry out loud. I looked around the rest of the room and soon got the impression that this girl and I were not the only ones who were feeling blue. I was cold and tired and I knew I should get some sleep so I curled up into a ball and fell asleep. I don’t recall actually falling asleep. I just remember that I was awakened by a series of loud crashes. The crashes were followed by voices piercing into the darkness. I sat up and without any thought to it I jumped off the bed, not remembering I was on the top rack, and landed surprisingly on my feet. Rude Awakening :: essays papers Rude Awakening The day was over and I lay in my rack wide-awake wishing I were in my own bed at home. As I recalled the events of the day, I began to fully comprehend the magnitude of my decision to join the Navy. I was about to spend my first night in the Navy’s boot camp. I thought of the shower I had experienced earlier. It was my first experience of a mass community shower. The shower was an extra large yellow tiled stall with 12 chrome showerheads. Six on each sidewall evenly spaced apart. Showering two girls to a head, orders to hurry were being barked from the female RDC’s monitoring us. RDC’s are Recruit Division Commanders; they are in charge of our boot camp learning experience. The next set of girls waited nervously just outside the stall for their turn. The shower experience was definitely something I was going to have to get use to. I lay in the top rack of my bunk, feeling sad and a little silly. I missed my family and friends and I felt silly for feeling so emotional and sad. I was surprised at how sad I was feeling and thought maybe I was being a baby. I turned my head to survey my surroundings and I took notice of the girl in the top bed of the bunk next to me. She was lying on her stomach resting on her elbows and crying as she wrote, probably a letter to someone she missed from home. I could hear her soft faint sobs. I could see by the expression on her face that she was fighting back her urge to cry out loud. I looked around the rest of the room and soon got the impression that this girl and I were not the only ones who were feeling blue. I was cold and tired and I knew I should get some sleep so I curled up into a ball and fell asleep. I don’t recall actually falling asleep. I just remember that I was awakened by a series of loud crashes. The crashes were followed by voices piercing into the darkness. I sat up and without any thought to it I jumped off the bed, not remembering I was on the top rack, and landed surprisingly on my feet.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Monasticism And Intellectual L Essays -- essays research papers
Religious and intellectual institutions underwent significant changes throughout the middle ages. In some cases, advances were made, and in others, there was a major decline. Through all of these times, the people of the middle ages learned what didn’t work, what did, and how to progress once they found what did work. The true form of monasticism in the western Christian church was founded by Saint Benedict of Nursia. He wrote the famous "Benedict’s Rule" between 520-530. The fundamentals of the rule was that each day was divided into a series of activities with an emphasis on prayer and manual labor. The monks would all gather together seven times each day for prayer. These were all male institutions, however, Benedict’s sister, Scholastica founded monasteries for women. Many of the texts we have today are with us because of monks. Beginning in the ninth century, the monks used scriptoria, or writing rooms, to copy different manuscripts. Between the sixth and tenth centuries, the monasteries experienced what one might call a moral decline. The purity and poverty which was the ideal for monks was being abandoned. Simony, the buying of clerical positions, was common, as was the practice of priests being married. In 910, Duke William of Aquataine wanted to do something t o correct this problem. He founded the abbey of Cluny, which was an independent monastery. Cluny was kept independent from any kind of secular control. It sought to brin...
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Julius Caesar - Mark Antony Essay -- essays research papers
Mark Antony      It is human nature to change one’s personality to fit the situation. People behave differently when speaking to a dignitary that when talking to a friend. Over time one can change due to a loss or gain of power, sometimes for the better or worse. In Julius Caesar, for example, Mark Antony goes through several changes. Mark Antony loved Julius Caesar, yet when he passed away Mark Antony swears vengeance, and ultimately is corrupted by the power of running a country.      At the beginning of the play Antony is harmless and extremely loyal to Julius Caesar. Mark Antony is about to run a race, but â€Å"When Caesar says ‘Do this,’ it is performed.†It is almost as if Mark Antony is only a puppet to Julius Caesar. He is being respectful of his leader, yet it seems as if he is fearful of him. While Caesar does not realize Mark Antony’s potential, Brutus underestimates him. Brutus refers to Rome as a body and Caesar as the head, yet â€Å"To cut the head off and then hack the limbs†would be killing Mark Antony. If the head of something was shot, there is no need to try to shoot the heart. Julius Caesar is concerned about his well-being, for good reason. Casca has been speaking in low tones and Caesar would â€Å"Have men about me that are fat†because he feels that they can be trusted easier. Caesar trusts Mark Antony as his closest confidant due to the fact that they have been like brothers all their lives.    &... Julius Caesar - Mark Antony Essay -- essays research papers Mark Antony      It is human nature to change one’s personality to fit the situation. People behave differently when speaking to a dignitary that when talking to a friend. Over time one can change due to a loss or gain of power, sometimes for the better or worse. In Julius Caesar, for example, Mark Antony goes through several changes. Mark Antony loved Julius Caesar, yet when he passed away Mark Antony swears vengeance, and ultimately is corrupted by the power of running a country.      At the beginning of the play Antony is harmless and extremely loyal to Julius Caesar. Mark Antony is about to run a race, but â€Å"When Caesar says ‘Do this,’ it is performed.†It is almost as if Mark Antony is only a puppet to Julius Caesar. He is being respectful of his leader, yet it seems as if he is fearful of him. While Caesar does not realize Mark Antony’s potential, Brutus underestimates him. Brutus refers to Rome as a body and Caesar as the head, yet â€Å"To cut the head off and then hack the limbs†would be killing Mark Antony. If the head of something was shot, there is no need to try to shoot the heart. Julius Caesar is concerned about his well-being, for good reason. Casca has been speaking in low tones and Caesar would â€Å"Have men about me that are fat†because he feels that they can be trusted easier. Caesar trusts Mark Antony as his closest confidant due to the fact that they have been like brothers all their lives.    &...
Monday, September 16, 2019
Effects of Social Networking Sites Essay
The implementation of social networking sites has changed how the average person communicates with others. Studies show that the average person spends at least nine hours a week surfing and posting on social network sites ( In fact, using social networking sites has not only improved our communication skills, but has had a negative impact as well. One of the many pros and cons to communicating on a networking site is the ability to â€Å"stay connected.†When a student graduates, a loved one moves, or a career changes, everyone wants to keep up with people they have grown to care for. Being on a social networking site, you can â€Å"friend request†people you know to keep up with their day to day actions. This ensures we don’t miss out on parts of someone’s life where we want to be included. Increasing the communication you have with someone, even online, strengthens your relationship. Unfortunately, being able to â€Å"stay connected†has kept thousands connected in a less than personal way. Networking sites entice people to stay online and spend less face-to-face time with others. So, you may be connecting to friends and family, but you are being distracted by the time wasting activities and applications the site supplies. Your mother doesn’t really care if you reached level ten in t he Adventures of Indiana Jones on Facebook. She wants to know how you are doing in your classes at school. Read more: Essays on Social Networking Another way networking sites are affecting society is evident in the ability to find new people. Making new friends can be a wonderful thing. Consider the following scenario, you are interested in a certain musician and find their â€Å"page†on your networking site. On that same page are many others that have that common interest. Befriending these new people provides a new outlet for expression. A family member or friend may not like the same artist, but finding this new friend gives the ability to have someone to talk to about the subject. On the other hand, not all people surfing these sites that are looking for new friends are doing it for the right reasons. Artists and topics that attract a younger population give ample opportunity for predators to have access to the viewers. There is no way to know that the 15 year old girl you’ve become â€Å"besties†with is really a young girl, or if it’s really a pedophile looking for new prey. â€Å"In Feb. 2009, MySpace identified 90,000 registered sex offenders with profiles on the site, while Facebook declined to reveal how many were present on its site†( Another example of how social networks affect society both positively and negatively is the ability to obtain information. Many networking sites created today are made for specific genres of people. Sites like and have been created to help people with life issues such as finding new jobs or getting tips on breastfed babies. If a person is shy and has trouble meeting that â€Å"special someone,†they can go to a networking site such as Sadly, not everything that is posted on these sites can be verified. Most sites, like the match-making sites, have no way to verify that the person posting on their site is them. An older, obese person can post a picture of a younger, thinner person to try and get a match. The site itself does not know that the picture posted is actually the person posting it. So, when the â€Å"date†shows up expecting person A, they are angry or upset that they meet person B, the real person, and bullying, fighting, or worse occurs. Too much false information is passed along the internet, and a large percent of it is done via networking sites. Overall, social networking sites can’t wholly be praised or put down for being â€Å"bad.†Being able to stay connected, make new friends, and get information via these sites has its pros and cons. No matter what changes are made, there will always be those that say the sites are good for our society, and those that say the dangers outweigh the benefits. References: Are social networking sites good for our society? (2012). Retrieved from
Be My Brother
Belonging and alienation is the process of being either excluded or accepted by the society in which you live. Belong is a human conception,mostly considered a fundamental human need and a source of survival, safety, protection and happiness. To belong is usually considered positive and essential for a successful existence:however a negative sense of belonging:found among the displaced, marginalised and uncared for can lead to many social, filial and personal problems that can be almost insurmountable for the individual.The short trop fest film â€Å"Be My Brother†by Genevieve Clay 2009, represents these ideas through the films central characters. The film deals with society and people with disabilities feeling displaced within society due to prejudices. It also displays the notions of disconnection and isolation within the family home of the main character and his brother. The viewer here develops a strong connection to the idea of alienation and not belonging. The short fil m â€Å"Be My Brother†explores the concept of isolation through disabilities.Richard the protagonist is born with a disability and is isolated from society. Richard feels as though he doesn’t exist around his brother Damien. As the film progresses, Richard the protagonist meets a girl names Amanda and she neglects him at first, though she discovers another side to him, and so form a relationship with him. Social acceptance is the process of affiliation with society, but within the film â€Å"Be My Brother†it begins with the exclusion of the main character that has a disability. This is evident when Richard meets Amanda for the first time.As she see’s Richard approaching, she immediately moves towards the edge of the seat. The wide shot used in this scene indicates Amanda’s discomfort, where it demonstrates her fear towards people who are physically different. Furthermore, as Richard offers his hand to Amanda for a handshake, she quickly touches h is hand, and faces the other way. The close up shot within this scene reveals Amanda’s disgust towards Richard through hand gestures, where it emphasies her cruelty and superiority towards him.Clothing in this segment plays a crucial role. Amanda is wearing black clothing, which portrays her social standing, which represents class, elegance, and wealth, whereas Richard is wearing brown clothing, expressing dull, inferior and being less important. The full shot used demonstrates the relationships between characters, and where they stand in society. In addition, social acceptance can be displayed within the family. Richard feels displaced around his brother Damien.This is exemplified in the scene where Damien wearing a black hoodie with his hood up, incorporated with the wide shot depicts resentment and exclusion, where Damien feels embarrassed about his brother because he has a disability. The black hoodie symbolises something evil and depressed which contributes to the isolat ion Richard is experiencing. As Richard passes his hand with the audio recorder to Damien, Damien promptly tries to avoid Richard by moving his head. The close up shot allows the audience to see Damien’s facial expression conveying Damiens arrogance towards Richard.Social acceptance is the key concept within the film â€Å"Be My Brother†, where cameral angles and clothing play a crucial role in revealing the idea of feeling accepted and to belong within society. Disconnection and isolation is portrayed throughout the film between Richard and his brother. The negative sense of belonging, where someone feels isolated; found among the marginalised and uncared for can lead to anger and disappointment. The ideas of isolation can be seen at the beginning of the film. The extreme long shot at the beginning of the film reflects the setting, as Richard is disconnected from society.The blur of the background enhances Richards loneliness and societies prejudice against people wit h disabilities. Furthermore, the aspect of displacement can be manifested in the segment where Damien is sitting by himself at the bus stop and Richard is standing up, expressing his point. The major quote Richard plays in his audio recording â€Å"I am what I am, I can’t change that, my brother doesn’t seem to understand, he seems like he doesn’t want to be near me, I seem to always embarrass him and I don’t like to be ignored! shows evidence of self-expression where Richard seeks to be accepted by his brother and society. Anger and disappointment emerges within the audio recording which shows Richards frustration towards his brother, creating tension and indicating family breakdown.However, Damien experiences a change of heart when he is unable to pay his bus fare. Richard steps in and pays the driver. The long shot used in this scene culminates Damien’s feelings towards his brother, creating a journey as he walks down the narrow bus path toward s his brother and he is thinking and taking into account what his brother did for im and how he has treated his brother. The notions of anger, resentment and embarrassment slowly fade away as he takes off his hoodie and Richard hugs him. This important factor leads to acceptance with his brother and the formation of a positive family relationship. Disconnection and isolation is portrayed throughout the film between Richard and his brother, although it diminishes when Damien comes to the realisation that he is taking his brother for granted and thus the film shapes our understanding of belong and alienation.Ultimately the short film â€Å"Be My Brother†has further developed the understanding of belonging and alienation. Details of the social acceptance, disconnection and isolation portrayed throughout the film between Richard and his Brother, all expose â€Å"belonging and alienation†as a human conception whereby to belong is usually considered positive and to not bel ong leads to marginalisation. The feeling of belonging means acceptance however if someone is under the threat of not belonging the feelings of isolation, anger and disappointment emerge.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Delta Case Study Essay
Executive Summary Delta airline has a long history whose roots begin at the year 1924.This airline has grown to become one of the largest airlines serving the United States of America and also majority of the world through its international routes. The aim of this paper is to see the history of the airline together with its financial position with concentration on the various strategies the company has implemented to reach where it is right now. The paper will also include various suggestions to the airline to help it to grow further. Delta airlines began in the year 1924 but during that time it was known as Huff Daland Dusters. This was the first aerial crop dusting which had its headquarters in Georgia. The following year, the company moved its headquarters to Louisiana. The directors of the company were B.R Coad and Collett Woolman.Huff Daland went on its first international route and that was to begin its services in Peru which brought in enough money and increase in purchasing power. The year 192 8 gave birth to what is known as Delta Airlines today. Furthermore, the year 1930 came with a major setback to the airline. Delta failed to secure a commercial airmail contract and therefore suffered major losses which forced the airline to suspend passenger service. As time went by, the year 1934 seemed to be the year for Delta Airlines as they secured a low-bid contract for the new Route 33 airmail service between Dallas and Charleston, South Carolina, via Atlanta .The airline also resumed passenger services that year. The following years were very successful periods for Delta airlines as it managed to spread its wings to various states around the United States and it also managed to purchase airlines such as Chicago airlines and Southern Air Airlines. As the jet era began, Delta Airlines added jetliners to modernize their fleet and fleet in the 1960s, following the purchase of the Douglas 8 that entered service in 1959. The same year also provided a new image for Delta as it redesigned its logo to what is present today. In 1970, Delta became an all jet airliner. The airline continued buying out its competitors and this time it was North East airline that was purchased in the year 1972. The great reign of Delta Airlines reached another milestone in the year 1975 when the launched the first airline called Delta Air Express which guaranteed air express service with high priority and guaranteed cargo services. As the deregulation act came into place, Delta launched its first transatlantic flight from Atlanta to London under the leadership of the new CEO David Garrett which followed another expansion to Frankfurt the following year. In 1979, Delta celebrated its 50th year of service with flights to Frankfurt and it became the first airline to board one million passengers in one city in one month. In addition to the above achievements, the 1980’s brought mixed feelings at the company. With the development of computers, Delta managed to begin computer based reservation systems and launch its first frequent flyer program. But the airline suffered losses in the year 1982.Employees then took payroll deductions to raise about $30 million to purchase the company’s first Boeing 767 which was named â€Å"The spirit of Delta†in 1982.Between the year of 1984-1987, Delta merged with several regionals and partnered with some to increase its services to Hawaii. It also became the fourth largest carrier in the U.S and fifth in the world with its services to Portland, Oregon and Tokyo in 1987 under the new chairman and CEO; Ronald Allen. The airline expanded its operations to Asia in 1988. As Delta Airlines continued soar higher, the year 1991 was no different. The airline purchased all of Pan-Am’s Trans-Atlantic routes and shuttles hence making it the largest acquisition of flights in airline history and also making Delta a global carrier. Apart from making profits and expanding its routes, Delta Airlines also fulfilled its social and cooperate responsibility by painting one of its aircrafts with the Olympic flag. It was then named the official airline of the Olympics 1995 Olympics games .It also received an award for the best major carrier for long and short haul flights. The airline also took a major step which till today has changed the history of the airline industry and that was making all its flights NON-SMOKING. Furthermore, between the years 1996-1999 had various achievements for Delta such as being named the global airline of the year and the best managed airline. It also installed automatic defibrillators on board aircrafts and purchased modern aircrafts such as Boeing 777.To meet the demand of low cost travelers, Delta announced its low cost airline â€Å"Delta Express†with services from Orlando FL. In 1997, Delta was the first airline to board more than 100 million passengers in a year. The year 20th century started with the airline reporting losses for the first time in 6 years during the year 2001.This was because of the attacks on the world trade center which forced the government to shut down the US airspace for 2 days. The following few years saw a lot of changes in terms of marketing techniques, new check in systems and also few code sharing with the regional carriers to enhance the airlines services. But the year 2005 started being a year that the airline would face what can be termed as the most difficult phase in their entire history. Delta filed chapter 11 for reorganization under the bankruptcy code. The airline later managed to expand it routes as early as November 2005 back to Latin America and Caribbean routes. The airline has since then managed to grow rapidly implementing various new methods of check in or purchasing tickets. With modern fleets, international alliance and great service, Delta has gone to become one of the best airlines in the world and has won major awards in the 20th century such as best airline website, Best airline lounge and Best frequent Flyer program. History of Airline Industry The airline industry first started the transportation of passengers in October of 1925. There was an improvement in planes with pressurization in 1949. In September of 1953, the first jet passenger plane gets introduced. The FAA was first established in August of 1958. In February of 1974, the first large body planes with multiple aisle were introduced. A little over two years later, the first supersonic travel was introduced in August of 1976 with the Concorde Tu-144. History of Delta Airlines Delta has close to 90 years of history that didn’t always involve passenger travel. In 1924, a crop dusting company called The Huff Daland Dusters was founded. Four years later, Huff Daland Dusters merged with Delta and kept the name of Delta. In 1941, Delta headquarters moves from Monroe to Atlanta. Delta gets its first stock traded on the New York Stock Exchange in 1957. Delta’s first merge occurs in 1972 when it merged with Northeast airlines; this merge made them a major carrier in New York and Boston. This is also the year that Delta started operating with the Boeing 727. In 1981, Delta Airlines launches its Frequent Flyer Program. Another merge happens a few years later in 1987 when Delta merged with Western Airlines. After this merge, Delta became the fourth largest U.S carrier and the fifth largest in the world. They also introduced some international travel in the same year. After years of pay and job cuts due to the major decline in airline travel after the September 11th attack, in September of 2005 Delta Airlines files for bankruptcy. In December of 2006, Delta files for a five year reorganization plan that would allow Delta to emerge from bankruptcy as a stand-alone company; which wasn’t approved until January of 2007. In 2008, Delta merged with Northwest Airlines which made Delta the world’s largest airline. Corporate Strategy Delta Airlines corporate strategy puts major focus on its staff achieving its objectives. The company carries out this strategy by having the top management committed to making sure its employees are satisficed (Delta Air Lines Inc. 5). The company has formed this business culture because they have realized that by having a satisfied work force, their customers the needs and expectations will be handled in an effective manner (Nancy 3). As a direct result of to this corporate culture adapted by Delta, managers and employees have established solid professional relationships, and it is because of the implementation of this strategy that Delta’s staff has been described as being an incredible work force (Data monitor 6). Also, Delta airline is able to provide their customers with high quality services due to their strategy of focusing on their employees’ satisfaction. Delta Airlines has provided its employees with good working terms and conditions, and it has also motivated its employees to provide high quality services by offering them financial awards, delta merchandise, gift cards, award banquets, and promotions (Delta Air Lines Inc. 3). Business Level Strategy The business level strategy of Delta Airlines places emphasis on customer service and/or service delivery. Delta Airlines is committed to its customers (Delta Air Lines Inc. 7), which means that its core business focus is to meet and satisfy their customers’ needs and expectations. One of the most effective methods to achieving a competitive advantage is the company’s commitment to its customers (Nancy 1). Their business strategy has enabled Delta Airlines to provide its customers with the lowest fares possible within the market (Data monitor 5). The airlines fear ratings are clearly displayed at ticket counters and on their website, which has permitted Delta to provide their customers with adequate travel data in order for them to be able to easily make reservations and inquiries at their own convenience. Also, communicating effectively with their customers has helped Delta’s relationship with the market. The Airline rapidly communicates travel news, as well as diversions, delays, and cancelations notifications to its customers in order to ensure that they are not disappointed, and can make more informed decisions. Delta’s SWOT Analysis Strengths Acquisition of NWA World’s largest mega carrier & flight network Pacific & Atlantic Ocean flight routes Employees SkyTeam & SkyMiles alliance Airport model Brand & History Opportunities Reduce operational cost & capacity Streamline operations & supply chain New value for money strategies Enhance the customer experience Customer retention initiatives Invest in new technologies Renegotiate lease & labor agreements Weaknesses Low on time rating Operating Cost Susceptibility to service disruptions Technological dependence for operations Differentiation Merger consolidation Threats Alternatives Competition Increased regulation Market environment Economy Fuel costs Crashes/Terrorism Strengths and Weaknesses Since the establishment of Delta Airlines, it can be considered an airline that has stayed in business despite its ups and downs. Although Delta has experienced many obstacles throughout its nearly 90 years of history, it continues to have many accomplishments that many other airlines do not have. One of the major points to Delta Airlines success is its ability to â€Å"help more than 160 million travelers get to places they want to go to each year†as stated on the Delta Airlines website. Delta is assembled around many of its strengths one of those currently being â€Å"the largest airline in the world today†according to the index on Delta Airlines website. One of the strong points in being one of the world’s largest carriers today is having numerous hubs in major cities in the United States. Atlanta and Minneapolis are two of the biggest hubs of Delta Airline; some other cities include Cincinnati, Detroit, New York, and Memphis (Mutzabaugh, 2013). Having as many as 567 worldwide destinations in over 100 different countries allows an U.S. airline company to expand to different countries globally. Another strength Delta has is their superior customer service abilities. Their customer service is what helps Delta to be what it is today. The passenger service, a successful history of flight, and flying to different continents around the globe leads to Delta having one of the highest gross revenues in the airline industry. In 2010 Delta earned profits of more than $590 million and $1 billion in 2012, this is a massive improvement from the $1.2 billion beating it had in 2009. As the each year went by revenue rose about 4% between 2011 and 2012, accomplishing a remarkable high of $36.7 billion (Hoovers Inc., 2013). Delta Airlines has been recognized to be the global air travel markets best mega carrier, and this is proven by the fact that Delta operates over 5000 flights on a daily basis (Delta Air Lines Inc. 8). Both their corporate and business strategies are highly innovative, and as a result of these strategies, and with the aid of their employees, that they have been able to provide high quality air travel services and become a major player in the market. The company’s high quality and efficient air travel services also demonstrate its business strengths. Delta earned $22, 687 of revenue in 2008 due to their acquisition of the North West Airlines operations, which compared to the previous year amounted to a growth of 18.5%. (Delta Air Lines Inc. 6). It is safe to say that no airline is without flaws and there are many weaknesses within Delta Airlines itself. Being the best in the business doesn’t mean that you don’t you’re your own drawbacks. Along with being a top brand in the airline industry means that you have competitors. One of Delta’s main competitors in the airline industry is United Airlines which is rated the world’s most admired airline on Fortune magazine’s 2012 airline industry list, the industry leading loyalty program that provides more opportunities to earn and redeem miles worldwide, and also the world’s most comprehensive global route network stated on Unitedâ⠂¬â„¢s website. Delta’s Airlines has significant weakness which pose as challenges to their success, such as the 2000 job cuts and 20% capacity reduction they have undergone can defiantly be characterized as weaknesses. However, due to the 2009 economic grapples such the cutbacks were necessary in-order to reducing the high costs associated with operations (Data monitor 4). And compared to its main competitors, Delta’s on-time ratings for are comparatively low. It’s important to note that Delta Airlines services have not achieved comprehensive differentiation (Data monitor 9). Another major issue that could affect the performance of Delta Airlines in the market is the possibility of employee strikes. External Environment Currently within the United States, the Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) market is exceptionally strong, and it is predicted that within the next three years the Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul market will increase over 10% (Nancy 3). Such evidence validates the fact that there indeed are opportunities within the external environment which Delta Airlines could use to their benefit by decrease the costs associated with repairing and maintaining its serving fleet of aircraft. Furthermore, due to an increase in the use of online marketing in the air travel market, air traveler are much more aware of the numerous air travel services and prices being offered by the many travel companies and airliners that exist in today’s world. A clear example is how advancements in technology can be a major influencing factor is illustrated in the fact that customers of air travel services in today’s world have the capability to conduct a real time, reliable, and efficient compar isons of all the different rates being offered, and the ability to simply and conveniently schedule a flight reservation online (Nancy 4). This is true about both the air travel market here in The United States and abroad. Indeed, the current external environment offers Delta Airlines the opportunity to achieve a competitive advantage, and become a leader in the air travel market by executing of its customer focused strategy. On a Global scale, the airline industry has witnessed significant development and growth of which is attributed to advances in air travel technology, and alternative fuel sources. This worldwide growth will give Delta Airlines the chance to become a leader in the global travel industry by implementation of their effective business strategies (Nancy 1). Although flue cost and air travel technological advancements are factors that have created new opportunity for Delta Airlines; nevertheless, the ever rising costs fuel, and the high level competition in the air travel market and are major threats to the success of the airlines. Recommendations Delta has claimed many breaks through from the company establishment date. Research and development over the duration of time has given Delta market presence in the industry over the years along with a deeply rooted foundation. Technology enhancements would complement Deltas competitive position; this action would bring excitement to the airline industry that would bring investors to the table. Broadening the profits, Delta is becoming a leader in the market with something truly innovative to offer customers. Deltas progress statically is doing well, shown in last year‘s third Qtr. ending with a surplus of 56.67% currently outpacing its historical five year pace. Delta currently is seeking to reduce the loan rate on a pricey $1.34 billion loan from outstanding lenders currently. At this rate, Delta should have enough capital to venture out and achieve something great to autonomously boast in the industry in the near future. Conclusion Delta Airlines has established itself as a leading carrier and a great company. In order to accommodate specific areas which would enable Delta to increase their efficiency and profitability they have modernized their business strategy. Managers at the Delta airlines consider the motivation, training, and general well fear of their staff to be of high importance. Clear improvement in services demanded by air travelers such as the addition of Wi-Fi service and investing in matters such as the renovation of cabin is sure to be increase customer Satisfaction and boost demand for Deltas services by customers. Delta expanded in both the regional and international markets by merging with Northwest airlines. The numerous profitable markets that can be penetrated and/or expanded present Opportunities for Delta airlines. Things such as staggering economy, government uncertainty, and major weather changes present threats to Delta. Delta marketing method and business strategy are the reason it is one of the best carriers globally. References Data monitor. â€Å"Delta Air Lines, Inc.†Delta Air Lines, Inc. SWOT Analysis (2011): 1-11 Delta Air Lines Inc. â€Å"Delta Air Lines, Inc. SWOT Analysis.†Delta Air Lines, Inc. SWOT Analysis (2013): 1-9 Delta, P. K. (2011, FEBRUARY). Delta history. Retrieved from Mark Wilkinson, retrieved on November 29, 2013 from Mutzabaugh, Ben. (2013, October 7). Retaliation? United adds flights to Delta hubs. Retrieved from Nancy, Gondo. â€Å"Will Delta Air Lines Top Profit Forecasts Once Again?†Investor’s Business Daily 12 Nov. 2013: 1-5 Hoovers Inc. (2013). Delta Air Lines, Inc. Financial Performance. Retrieved from 48000000000
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Study Guide of Figurative Language
1. I was so hungry that I even ate the plate. What type of figurative language is used in this sentence? A) hyperbole B) metaphor C) personification D) simile 2. My father was the sun and the moon to me. What type of figurative language is used in this sentence? A) hyperbole B) simile C) metaphor D) personification 3. The rain seemed like an old friend who had finally found us. What type of figurative language is used in this sentence? A) onomatopoeia B) metaphor C) personification D) simile 4. â€Å"Smash†, when the cup fell off the table. What type of figurative language is used in this sentence? A) personification B) metaphorC) onomatopoeia D) hyperbole 5. He was a library of information about baseball. What type of figurative language is used in this sentence? A) metaphor B) personification C) simile D) hyperbole 6. The curtain was waving to everyone every time the wind blew through the open window. What type of figurative language is used in this sentence? A) onomatopoeia B) metaphor C) personification D) hyperbole 7. The tree shook its branches angrily. What type of figurative language is being used in this sentence? A) personification B) metaphor C) onomatopoeia D) hyperbole 8. Drip, Drop, Drip, Drop went the rain drops falling on the roof of the house.What type of figurative language is used in this sentence? A) metaphor B) onomatopoeia C) personification D) alliteration 9. Her head was so full of ideas that it was ready to burst wide open. What type of figurative language is used in this sentence? A) alliteration B) metaphor C) hyperbole D) personification 10. The baby was like an octopus, grabbing for everything in sight. What type of figurative language is used in this sentence? A) metaphor B) simile C) hyperbole D) personification 11. That movie took my breath away. What type of figurative language is usede in this sentence? A) alliteration B) personification C) idiom D) metaphor 12.Leslie said that she was in the dark about what's going on. What type of figurative language is used in this sentence? A) metaphor B) alliteration C) idiom D) personification 13. Teddy tiger tried tying teepees together. What type of figurative language is this sentence? A) hyperbole B) idiom C) onomatopoeia D) alliteration 14. Silly sally sang a silly summer song. What type of figurative language is this sentence? A) hyperbole B) onomatopoeia C) alliteration D) idiom 15. I like pancakes so much I could eat a million of them. What type of figurative language is used in this sentence? A) personification B) idiom C) alliteration D) hyperboleWhat is the difference between a figurative and a literal analogy?
Friday, September 13, 2019
The Problem of Sex Trafficking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 20
The Problem of Sex Trafficking - Essay Example This paper explores the problem of sex trafficking through an exploration of the aforementioned book. The stories on Minh Dang and Maria Suarez convey a message that the girl child in the American society remains vulnerable to the threat of sexual molestation and trafficking as the girls were forced into the trade by their parents and guardians (for Minh’s case only), whom with the society expects a basic duty of care. Minh Dang’s parents started molesting her at the tender age of three and she was later traded in brothels to sustain her parent’s incomes against her will. On the other hand, Maria Suarez’s was tricked her into sexual slavery by sending her to attend a job interview for the position of a house help where she was later held hostage (Sher, 89). An evaluation of Abby Sher’s tales indicates that she succeeded in evaluating the discord people faced when experiencing sexual trafficking, but it is evident that she failed to include the actions undertaken by other members in the society to halt this anti-social behavior. Nonetheless, the author did not talk about the legal systems as it applies to the victims of sex trafficking. The author critically explores Minh Dan’s bio-history in the form of a story, and she appeals to the readers from varying demographic on the types of experiences condoned by the society as things of the past, but yet in prevalence and harmful to the young women and men. For instance, her emphasis that Minh dang faced sexual harassment from her father from age of 3 years is an indication that ignorance in the society has an instrument that has sustained such a horrendous vice.Â
Thursday, September 12, 2019
The Necklace Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
The Necklace - Essay Example In the story, great contrast between rich and poor can be visualized where he used main character like Mathilde who dreams of living a lavish life in spite of his mediocre situation. She has an ambition of becoming rich in glamorous clothes and jewelries and appreciated by men; but she married a low paid clerk and cannot afford her fantasies. These features of the fiction are similar to present day reality where poor people are sometimes not contented to what they can afford. They are more concerns on looking rich than attaining wealth from hardworking. Thus, the story also describes not only the surroundings of Maupassant, the author, but it also reflects realities of poor societies today. The better part of the story shows poverty can transform a person in a hard way. Like what Mathilde experienced, poverty has forced her to become stronger, to face responsibility, and to work harder. At first, she is very dependent and spoiled to her husband but her husband cannot afford all the c aprices she desires. Given the chance to taste the life she dreams. Mathilde demands indisputably nice dress and fabulous jewel to attend a party. Her husband gives his savings to buy dress, though it’s intended for buying a rifle, and Mathilde also borrows a diamond necklace from her rich friend. But, the night Mathilde fulfilled her dream turns her worst nightmare – Mathilde lost the necklace.
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Jpmorgan income&growth PLC Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Jpmorgan income&growth PLC - Essay Example 18). Both Income shareholders and Capital shareholders play exemplary role towards enhancing Capital growth and initiating strategies that would ensure the company realizes positive outcomes from its massive financial investments. The company has successfully invested in a relatively diverse portfolio comprising between 50 to 70 percent of all equities of the United Kingdom as well as a wide range of other assets. In order to accomplish its long-term financial investment goals, JPMorgan Income & Growth Investment Trust plc has extended the diversity of its Capital investments to include equities, assets, convertible bonds and bond funds (Dadrian 2006 p. 18). Despite the trading and logistical challenges of the UK stock exchange market, the company has managed to accumulate substantial investment, which are not only manifesting in the United Kingdom but also in other bordering economies. In particular, the company has increased its portfolio in direct equities base in the United Kingd om (Dillman 2006, p. 34). This has boosted the realization of the financial and investment goals of the corporation without compromising the individual ideas and preferences of its Income and Capital shareholders. Diversified assets have also been critical to expansion and accomplishment of the financial and investment objectives of the company. ... To attain long term financing, the firm has instigated a comprehensive plan with its primary aim being to identify the trustworthy and reliable sources of finance. Among the vital sources in its priority list are term loans, debenture, bonds, warrant, and lease. Term loans are loans from commercial banks and other financial institutions with clear repayment schedule along with a floating interest rate (Gupta 2005 p. 43). These loans are essential in realizing a major investment in the organization upon acquisition. Commercial banks offer short term as well as long-term loans to prospective clients. Since JPMorgan Income & Growth Investment Trust has had plans to meet its internal and external financial needs, term loans are hence inevitable. Acquisition of such loans would depend on the conveniences of the repayment schedule and the interest rates charged on such credit facilities. Bank loans have been instrumental to the major expansion of the company’s Capital and Asset base in the past few years (Gupta 2005 p. 43). In effect, the Income shareholders and Capital shareholders have managed to rip huge returns since the acquisition of these credit facilities of various commercial banks. However, repayment has emerged to one of the greatest challenges the company has to grapple with owing to the difficulties in the investment market. Thus, the company has initiated schemes with a view to ensure it diversified its long-term monetary ambitions are well spread across the board. Term loans have advantages and disadvantages to the company in equal measure. The main befit of these short term and long term loans is that they help the organization meet its growing financial
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Anglo American Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Anglo American - Essay Example Understanding that there were serious financial ramifications to its bottom line as a result of the AIDS epidemic, Anglo-American sought to provide free antiviral therapy to members of its South African workforce who were infected with the HIV/ AIDS. Despite the many positives associated with this decision, Anglo-Americans’ attempt to stem the ramifications of the HIV AIDS epidemic was met with resistance and unsure results. As a result, Anglo-American halted its pilot study. The following explores the reasons for Anglo-Americans decision to halt this landmark study and are they reasonable? What recommendations would an educated reader give Anglo-American with respect to its HIV/AIDS policy? Seem to address these questions and many more, the following will explore Anglo-American and the challenges it faces tackling the HIV/AIDS epidemic in South Africa. Anglo-American is an international organization with roots in South Africa and as a multinational company is one of the largest employers in the country. Today, Anglo-American has 80,000 employees nation-wide and has been significantly affected by the global AIDS epidemic. The global HIV/AIDS outbreak began in the 1980s and Anglo-American was one of the first multinational corporations to understand and attempt to combat the ramifications of this insidious disease. Accordingly, South Africa remains the country with one of the highest infection rates in the world and corporations like Anglo-American quickly understood that this disease had the potential to significantly affect the bottom line of its company. With much invested in the South African state, Anglo-American sought to address the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the early 1980s and a landmark decision in 2002 to provide free antiviral medicine to its infected workforce represented a further evolution of the enlightened policies of com panies like
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