Sunday, May 24, 2020
Undocumented Stress Essay - 1406 Words
Kimberly Galindo U.S. Mexico Border Relations 130 Final Paper Stress on Undocumented Students The â€Å"Undocumented Students†are youth who arrived to the United States as young children. These are young adults fighting hard to achieve their piece of the American Dream. Their experiences are emblematic of the struggles of millions of undocumented children and youth in America who deal daily with isolation from peers, the struggle to pursue an education, fears of detention and deportation and the trauma of separation from family and loved ones. Today there are one million children under 18 and 4.4 million under 30 undocumented young adults living in America and 11 Undocumented immigrants (American Psychological). Being undocumented negatively†¦show more content†¦Undocumented college students have a much higher level of anxiety than the population at large, likely caused by a unique set of challenges they face as a result of their legal status. Concern related to finances, fear of deportation and a sense of isolation weigh heavily on undocumented students, acc ording to a study released today from the Institute for Immigration, Globalization and Education at the University of California Los Angeles. In the study of undocumented undergraduates, 28.5 percent of male and 36.7 percent of female participants reported a level of anxiety that was above the clinical cut off for generalized anxiety disorder, which means a moderate or severe level of anxiety. That’s compared to 4 percent and 9 percent from a sample of the general population. The Pew Research Center estimates that there are between 200,000 and 225,000 undocumented immigrants enrolled in college. But research on the population is limited largely to students at selective four-year colleges or within specific states, according to the study. Undocumented students, for obvious legal reasons, also are a difficult population to reach. This study consisted of a largely anonymous survey of 909 participants from 34 states. They represented 55 differentShow MoreRelatedMy Life As An Undo cumented Immigrant Analysis961 Words  | 4 Pagesfrom coming to America, finding out that he is residing here illegally, learning how to live with that, and finally to sharing with everyone that he is an undocumented immigrant. Jose has a difficult task in front of him, though. He must win his audience over to his side so that he can further his agenda of developing an easier path for undocumented immigrants to receive citizenship. There are many ways he could go about this, trying to skirt the topic of his illegal activities, but Jose is an intelligentRead MoreImmigrants Pay Taxes2192 Words  | 9 Pagestrends. Your introduction must include these required elements: the purpose of your paper, the importance of the topic, the definitions of your key terms, an organizational statement, and a clearly defined thesis statement. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Essential Attributes in Nursing - 1220 Words
Nursing is developed gradually over the last 1800 years. Today’s demand for skilled nurses is significantly increases for educated nurses. Nurses is the first provider of health care, which delivers a high quality of care, safe environment, person-centred and focuses on the care of individuals, families and communities. In a nursing good workplace citizenship needs an understanding and maintaining a good relationship between patients and health professional to deliver quality health care and services. In the context of nursing, communication, teamwork and social responsibility is the main graduates attributes that are essential in workplace citizenship because it promotes a healthy relationship between health professionals, patients and†¦show more content†¦In nursing profession nurses have to work together with patients, families, doctors, and health professional to foster health promotion and focuses on diseases prevention. Effective teamwork helps to reduce the wor kload and safe time. Nurses play a main role in hospital to provide the information about the patients that the rest of the team relies on the nurses. For instance: patient with fracture leg have to go to emergency department first and second nurses will take over and pass the information to the doctor and X-ray member help to find out the problems. In hospital this is ongoing process with different skills work between team members to provide a quality care to patients. In the nursing mutual respect, holistic approach, and interprofessional teamwork is successful for patients, families and health professional. The main successes for the teamwork are sharing knowledge, information, and sharing experience with team, which encouraged the staff to focus on the positive role and valuing the contribution of individual team member (Scott et al, 2010). For instance: a nurse who works in team in their shift has less stress and deliver high quality care to patient. As well as it is important to know the role of each nurse and tasks, which helps the staff to motivate, problem solving and works openly within the team (Reeves et al, 2010). Therefore, in nursing profession to provide effective and efficiency care to patient’sShow MoreRelatedLeadership And The Graduate Nurse Role1144 Words  | 5 PagesSouth University â€Æ' Leadership and the Graduate Nursing Role Leadership is a core competency in the field of advanced practice nursing (Hamric, Hanson, Tracy, O’Grady, 2014). Graduate level nurses exercise leadership across four major spheres including nursing profession, clinical practice environments, health policy, and at the system level. 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The article states that nurse competence is not a desti nation but rather a journey that gets longer the more you learn (Smith, 2012). This article establishes that, by obtaining many viewpoints and integrating them into one and developing it, nursing will be able to create an all-encompassing definition of competence. Method of Analysis The method of analysis used in theRead MoreNursing Theory Concept Analysis : Nursing Theories1357 Words  | 6 PagesNursing Theory Concept Analysis Introduction With the numerous nursing theories that have been established throughout the profession, it has become empirical for nursing professionals to be able to sort through the various concepts and critically analyze the significance for individual practice as well as the profession of nursing as a whole. Nursing theories should be analyzed and investigated for the value before acceptance just as new ideas are reviewed prior to implementation into practice.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Week 1 Checkpoint 1 Payment Methods Free Essays
Week 1 checkpoint 1- Payment Methods. Resource: Chapter 1 of Medical Insurance: An Integrated Claims Process Approach Write and post a 250- to 300- word response to the following questions: ?         Describe, the fee-for-service and capitation payment cycles. Include the relationship among provider, patient, and payer in your presentation, and their roles in the process. We will write a custom essay sample on Week 1 Checkpoint 1 Payment Methods or any similar topic only for you Order Now Fees for services are listed on the doctor’s fee schedule and there are known to be separate fee’s with each code and sometimes these codes are not billable. So in saying this the patient may have to pay some fee’s before they leave the doctor’s office because of some sort of procedure they had done. So the way the relationship goes for the fees for service is like this. The patient makes their usual monthly payments to their health plan or it’s set up to be automatically withdrawn from their paycheck. If they make their payments on time then they can have medical services done by a physician. The patient then pays for any fee’s or co-pays for the medical services that were provided on that day and then the Medical Biller will then bill the health plan. The patient may be reimbursed for the some money they had to pay out of pocket. Capitation payment cycle is way different. Capitation means that there is a fixed prepayment that is paid to the medical provider for members of their plan for only necessary services provided to them. By using the capitation payment cycle the doctor may be taking risks for receiving fewer patients. Some doctor’s offices prefer this though because they are a small doctor’s office and only want to deal with people that have certain medical insurances so their biller and coder doesn’t have to learn everything else. The only thing with this though is that they medical insurance is going to pay the doctor’s office the same amount of money each month no matter what. This may cause problems for the patient because if they don’t go see their doctor that month then they are still getting charged. How to cite Week 1 Checkpoint 1 Payment Methods, Essay examples
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Essay Table Of Contents Example For Students
Essay Table Of Contents I.What are black holes?II.Where do they come from?III. Interesting facts about black holes. IV. How are they discovered?A. X-ray EmissionsB. Exotic Energy SourcesC. Star speedsD. MasersE. The Baseline ArrayF. Hubble TelescopeG. SatellitesV.Quasi-Stellar RelationsVI. LocationsA. M87B. Milky WayC. AndromedaD. E. NGC 6240F. A0620-00What are black holes? Black holes are the remains of a massive star that has collapsed and shrunk to a tiny point in space. They have all of the gravity of the star concentrated into that point. Black holes are difficult to see because they cannot be seen. They cannot be seen because they are spinning faster than the speed of light and light cannot escape from them. They can be compared to a giant vacuum cleaner, they suck in anything that gets near them. Where do black holes come from? Black holes are formed when giant stars run out of fuel and are overwhelmed by their own gravity. When this happens they cannot keep from collapsing. After stars collapse, they start rotating and as they arespinning, their gravity becomes stronger causing them to shr ink. As the object becomes smaller, it starts spinning faster and faster. Using a small black marble as an example of the size that Earth would become if it collapsed and became a black hole, Todd R. Lauer, of the National Optical Astronomy Observatories said, Black holes are very messy eaters. If you took that marble to an all-you-can-eat buffet allowing it to consume all the matter around it, the feeding frenzy would produce as much radiation as the Sun.Research indicates that black holes may have existed at the beginning of time. Black holes are so dense that not even light can escape. Looking towards a black hole, the stars behind it would appear out of place because black holes distort light. The immense gravitational pull of black holes is thought to be responsible for the swirling masses of stars in spiral galaxies throughout the universe. Gravity in a black hole should be able to pack stars in so tight that the intensity of the stars light would drastically increase towards the center of gravity. Everything falling into a bla!ck hole loses its ide ntity, you couldnt tell if it were a satellite or a T.V. set that fell in. Dr. Fred Chromey of Vassar College in New York said, Black holes are the easiest way to explain some of the strange things that are going on in some of the galaxies.Research indicates that if a black hole formed, it would eventually evaporate but it would take millions of years. Earths escape velocity, the speed it takes to escape the pull of gravity, is 11 kilometers per second. The escape velocity of a black hole is 300,000 kilometers per second, which is faster than the speed of light. If Earths diameter shrank to less than 1 centimeter, the escape velocity would exceed the sped of light, the escape velocity of a black hole. Anything can become a black hole if you compress it enough. How are black holes located? Black holes technically cant be seen, but they give off many clues to their location. Signs of many black holes have been located during normal observation of other space objects. Abnormally high levels of X-rays and gamma rays are the most common clues, but other exotic energy sources are also good clues. Astronomers have also located black holes by studying the speeds of swirling galaxies. If large objects are moving at very high speeds astronomers usually try to track their orbits and try to locate a central object that could be the source of the gravity. Another clue to the location of black holes are masers. Masers are the cosmic relatives of lasers. They are water molecules orbiting black holes that capture and amplify radiation and send it back out into space. Masers are usually located in the accretion disk, the swirling cloud of gases above a black hole. Some masers have been clocked traveling over 650 miles per second. Many types of equipment are used to locate black holes. One type of equipment is called the Baseline Array. The Baseline Array consists of 10 radio dishes, each 82 feet across, spaced across a 5,000 mile area. It acts as one 5,000 mile wide telescope. The Baseline Array is so accurate the a user in Los Angeles can read a newspaper in New York. Other pieces of equipment used are orbiting observatories like the Hubble Telescope, which provided the first conclusive proof of black holes. Orbiting satellites are also used to detect radio waves usually given off by black holes. The British satellite Ariel V discovered the black hole A0620-00 this way. Black holes may be related to the most exotic space phenomenon, quasi-stellar objects, most commonly called quasars. Quasars shine so brightly that astrophysicists think the light must come from superheated matter falling into a black hole. The leading theory about quasars says they may represent the earliest period of evolution of galaxies. Quasars, so far, are the most distant objects known, some as far as 10 billion light years away. Black holes are usually found in or near companion star pairs. One of the stars is sometimes a dark star, a star that is hard to see or cant be seen. Bruce Margon from the University of Washington-Seattle says, We are finding that black holes come in a large number of sizes. Nature makes them like 50- and 100-watt light bulbs.Astronomers are finding that for reason, closer black holes are smaller than the more distant ones. Black holes can be located by studying how they affect their surroundings. A super-massive black hole has been located at the he art of Galaxy M87. It is between 2.5 and 3.5 billion times the size of our sun. The accretion disk at M87 is rotating at at least 1.2 million miles per hour. Some people think that it might be a cluster of neutron stars, but it would take more than 2 billion stars to get something that big. Anything that big in that small of an area would eventually collapse into a black hole anyway.Superluminal jets, groups of high speed electrons which are flung out of galaxies thought to contain black holes, have been detected coming out of M87. Superluminal jets can travel close to the speed, but the fastest one has ever been found was going 93% of the speed of light.The frontier of the M87 black hole is roughly the same distance that Uranus is from the Sun.Superluminal jets in the Milky Way indicates a black hole is lurking nearby. Astronomers have located something strange, near Sagittarius A* that is less than 1 million times the size of our sun, in the Milky Way. This object doesnt give off enough radiation to be a normal black hole. Scientists have devised a model that would explain the lower radiation levels. The object is superheating the gases before they enter. The heated gases move faster so less energy escapes. The model shows that the object can consume 99.9% of the energy that is given off leaving .1% to escape, which would account for the low energy levels. Stem cell research EssayMany types of equipment are used to locate black holes. One type of equipment is called the Baseline Array. The Baseline Array consists of 10 radio dishes, each 82 feet across, spaced across a 5,000 mile area. It acts as one 5,000 mile wide telescope. The Baseline Array is so accurate the a user in Los Angeles can read a newspaper in New York. Other pieces of equipment used are orbiting observatories like the Hubble Telescope, which provided the first conclusive proof of black holes. Orbiting satellites are also used to detect radio waves usually given off by black holes. The British satellite Ariel V discovered the black hole A0620-00 this way. Black holes may be related to the most exotic space phenomenon, quasi-stellar objects, most commonly called quasars. Quasars shine so brightly that astrophysicists think the light must come from superheated matter falling into a black hole. The leading theory about quasars says they may represent the earliest period of evolution of galaxies. Quasars, so far, are the most distant objects known, some as far as 10 billion light years away. Black holes are usually found in or near companion star pairs. One of the stars is sometimes a dark star, a star that is hard to see or cant be seen. Bruce Margon from the University of Washington-Seattle says, We are finding that black holes come in a large number of sizes. Nature makes them like 50- and 100-watt light bulbs.Astronomers are finding that for reason, closer black holes are smaller than the more distant ones. Black holes can be located by studying how they affect their surroundings. A super-massive black hole has been located at the he art of Galaxy M87. It is between 2.5 and 3.5 billion times the size of our sun. The accretion disk at M87 is rotating at at least 1.2 million miles per hour. Some people think that it might be a cluster of neutron stars, but it would take more than 2 billion stars to get something that big. Anything that big in that small of an area would eventually collapse into a black hole anyway.Superluminal jets, groups of high speed electrons which are flung out of galaxies thought to contain black holes, have been detected coming out of M87. Superluminal jets can travel close to the speed, but the fastest one has ever been found was going 93% of the speed of light.The frontier of the M87 black hole is roughly the same distance that Uranus is from the Sun.Superluminal jets in the Milky Way indicates a black hole is lurking nearby. Astronomers have located something strange, near Sagittarius A* that is less than 1 million times the size of our sun, in the Milky Way. This object doesnt give off enough radiation to be a normal black hole. Scientists have devised a model that would explain the lower radiation levels. The object is superheating the gases before they enter. The heated gases move faster so less energy escapes. The model shows that the object can consume 99.9% of the energy that is given off leaving .1% to escape, which would account for the low energy levels. A black hole smaller than the one in Galaxy M87 has been located near the center of the Andromeda Galaxy, with a mass of only a few million solar masses. Near the center of the galaxy, there are two star clusters, one bright the other faint. The bright cluster may be the nucleus of a dwarf galaxy that Andromeda may have captured. The faint cluster is moving at a speed of over 850,000 miles per hour, which is good evidence of a black hole. If Andromeda holds a black hole it would mean that there is a black hole 50 times closer than the one in M87. Another black hole was discovered in a galaxy less than 21 million light years from Earth. This black hole has a mass of more than 40 million suns. In Galaxy NGC 6240, almost 300 million light years from Earth, astronomers believe to have found a black hole during observations of two colliding galaxies. The black hole is caught between the two galaxies and is expected to merge with them in the next few hundred million years. It has a mass 10 to 100 times larger than any black hole ever found. It has the mass of the Milky Way in 1/10,000th the area. It may have been left over from an early universe, or a quasar that has burned itself out. Its finding suggests the presence of a lot of unobserved matter and it may be the first step in explaining dark matter or missing mass. The object itself may be a form of dark matter, which makes up 90% of the mass of the universe. In 1975 an X-ray burst and an optical nova lead to the discovery of a black hole. The black hole A0620-00 is located in the constellation Monoceros. It is a dark object with a mass exceeding 3 solar masses. It is part of a binary system, a pair of stars that orbit each other, consisting of an orange dwarf and itself. Orange dwarfs are very common, in fact they make up more than 15% of star masses. The star is orbiting the black hole. Astronomers have found that only half of the light comes from the star, the other half comes from the accretion disk circling the black hole. Black holes are much more common than astronomers once thought. Future research may locate many more exotic phenomenon. Astronomers believe there may be thousands of black holes and other mysteries of space, and they hope to learn more about them in the future. ReferencesCowen, Ron. Repaired Hubble Finds Giant Black HoleScience News, 145 (June 4, 1994) p. 356Croswell, Ken. The Best Black Hole in the GalaxyAstronomy, (March, 1992) pp. 30-37Dye, Lee. Evidence of Massive Black Hole Discovered by Astronomers Los Angeles Times, (January 12, 1995)p. A3+Flamsteed, Sam. 99.9 Percent SureDiscover, 16 (January, 1995) p. 32Kaiser, Jocelyn. Does the Milky Way Hide its Black Hole?Science News, 147 (April 15, 1995) p. 230Majeski, Tom. Evidence of Second Black Hole DetailedKnight-Ridder/Tribune News Service, (May 31, 1994) p. 0531K6533Naeye, Robert. Faster Than Light?Discover, 16 (January, 1995) p. 33Sawyer, Kathy. Monstrous, Dark Stranger Seen in Neighborhood of Galaxy Washington Post, (April 10, 1991) p. A2Sawyer, Kathy. Scientists Detect 12 Black HolesLas Vegas Review-Journal+ Sun, (August 2, 1992) p. 21EShipman, Harry L. Black Holes, Quasars, and the UniverseBoston, Houghton Mifflin Company, 1980Taylor, Ronald A. Astronomers Spot Massive MysteryWashington Times, (April 10, 1991) p. A4
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